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Prediction analysis model of nira production in arenga pinnata by using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system method
SA Andayani, Y Sumekar
Thematics Journal of Botany 4 (2), 2020
Supply chain risk classification shallot agribusiness in the Highland through analytical hierarchy process approach
SA Andayani, Y Sumekar, JS Suhaeni
focus, 8, 2020
Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kubis Bunga (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) Kultivar Bareta 50 Terhadap Kombinasi Pupuk Anorganik dan Pupuk Organik
I Nuryadin, DR Nugraha, Y Sumekar
Agrivet: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian dan Peternakan (Journal of Agricultural …, 2016
Analysis of land use patterns in the upper Cimanuk river basin and its relationship with irrigation water discharge in Majalengka Regency, Indonesia
AY Ismail, S Aminudin, SA Andayani, Y Sumekar
Research on Crops 22 (4), 836-840, 2021
Prediction model of production patterns of shallot development in the highlands of Indonesia
SA Andayani, R Sukmawani, I Marina, J Sulaksana, UIL Rahman, ...
Research on Crops 22 (4), 895-900, 2021
Weed diversity in rice (Oryza sativa) fields with different cultivation technologies in Garut Regency, Indonesia
J Mutakin, D Kurniadie, D Widayat, Y Yuwariah, Y Sumekar
Research on Crops 22 (3), 459-465, 2021
Pengaruh perbedaan waktu turun hujan terhadap aplikasi herbisida kalium glifosat dalam mengendalikan gulma dominan kelapa sawit Effect of rainfall on application of potassium …
D Kurniadie, Y Sumekar, S Nulkarim
Jurnal Kultivasi Vol 18 (1), 2019
Efektivitas herbisida paraquat diklorida 140 g/l terhadap penekanan gulma, pertumbuhan, dan hasil jagung (Zea mays L.)
Y Sumekar, D Widayat, I Aprillia
Agrivet: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian Dan Peternakan (Journal of Agricultural …, 2021
Herbisida natrium bispiribak dosis rendah terbukti efektif mengendalikan gulma pada sistem tanam benih langsung padi
D Kurniadie, Y Sumekar, MI Tajudin
Kultivasi 19 (2), 1126-1134, 2020
Pengaruh Herbisida Atrazine+ Nicosulfuron Terhadap Pengendalian Gulma dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.)
Y Sumekar, D Riswandi, D Hidayat
Agrivet: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian dan Peternakan (Journal of Agricultural …, 2017
Pengaruh berbagai jenis surfaktan pada herbisida glufosınat terhadap pengendalian gulma dan hasıl tanaman jagung (Zea mays l.) di Jatınangor The impact of several types of …
D Kurniadie, Y Sumekar, I Buana
Jurnal Kultivasi Vol 16 (2), 2017
Effect of various depths of pupation on adult emergence of interspecific hybrid of Bactrocera carambolae and Bactrocera dorsalis
A Susanto, MG Faradilla, Y Sumekar, DH Yudistira, W Murdita, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 4235, 2022
Effects of metsulfuron methyl herbicide doses on weed suppression, growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
DK Yayan Sumekar, Dedi Widayat, Dani Riswandi
International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science 2 (2020), 18-23, 2020
Efektivitas herbisida bentazone sodium (370 g/L) dan MCPA DMA (62 g/L) dalam mengendalikan gulma pada budidaya padi sawah
U Umiyati, D Kurniadie, D Widayat, Y Sumekar, A Iim
Jurnal Kultivasi 17 (3), 716-721, 2018
Keanekaragaman Gulma Dominan Pada Pertanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill) Di Kabupaten Garut
Y Sumekar, J Mutakin, Y Rabbani
JAGROS: Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Sains (Journal of Agrotechnology Science) 1 …, 2018
The Effect of Butyl Cyhalophop Herbicide on Weeds, Growth and Yield of Rice Plants (Oryza sativa L.)
D Widayat, Y Sumekar
Internasional Journal of Veterinary Science and Agriculture Reseacrh (1) 4 (9), 2019
Sifat campuran herbisida berbahan atrazin 500g/L+ mesutrion 50 g/L terhadap beberapa jenis gulma
D Widayat, U Umiyati, Y Sumekar, D Riswandi
Kultivasi 17 (2), 670-675, 2018
The effect of weed management on seed banks in paddy rice fields
Y Sumekar, D Widayat
Campuran herbisida IPA glifosat, imazetafir, dan karfentrazon-etil dalam mengendalikan gulma daun lebar, gulma daun sempit, dan teki
D Widayat, U Umiyati, Y Sumekar
Kultivasi 20 (1), 47-52, 2021
Sinergisme Campuran herbisida berbahan aktif ipa glifosat 240 g/l dan 2, 4 D amina 120 g/l dalam mengendalikan beberapa jenis gulma
D Kurniadie, DA Purbayanti, Y Sumekar
Agrikultura 30 (3), 134-140, 2019
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