Lale Khorramdel
Measuring response styles across the big five: A multiscale extension of an approach using multinomial processing trees
L Khorramdel, M von Davier
Multivariate Behavioral Research 49 (2), 161-177, 2014
Scaling PIAAC cognitive data
K Yamamoto, L Khorramdel, M Von Davier
Technical report of the survey of adult skills (PIAAC), 1-18, 2013
Examining item-position effects in large-scale assessment using the Linear Logistic Test Model
C Hohensinn, KD Kubinger, M Reif, S Holocher-Ertl, L Khorramdel, ...
Psychology Science 50 (3), 391, 2008
Evaluating item response theory linking and model fit for data from PISA 2000–2012
M von Davier, K Yamamoto, HJ Shin, H Chen, L Khorramdel, J Weeks, ...
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 26 (4), 466-488, 2019
Facets of conscientiousness and their differential relationships with cognitive ability factors
SH Rikoon, M Brenneman, LE Kim, L Khorramdel, C MacCann, J Burrus, ...
Journal of Research in Personality 61, 22-34, 2016
A response-time-based latent response mixture model for identifying and modeling careless and insufficient effort responding in survey data
E Ulitzsch, S Pohl, L Khorramdel, U Kroehne, M von Davier
Psychometrika 87 (2), 593-619, 2022
Analysing item position effects due to test booklet design within large-scale assessment
C Hohensinn, KD Kubinger, M Reif, E Schleicher, L Khorramdel
Educational Research and Evaluation 17 (6), 497-509, 2011
Multistage adaptive testing design in international large‐scale assessments
K Yamamoto, HJ Shin, L Khorramdel
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 37 (4), 16-27, 2018
Developments in psychometric population models for technology-based large-scale assessments: An overview of challenges and opportunities
M von Davier, L Khorramdel, Q He, HJ Shin, H Chen
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 44 (6), 671-705, 2019
The effects of vignette scoring on reliability and validity of self-reports
M von Davier, HJ Shin, L Khorramdel, L Stankov
Applied Psychological Measurement 42 (4), 291-306, 2018
Introduction of multistage adaptive testing design in PISA 2018
K Yamamoto, HJ Shin, L Khorramdel
OECD, 2019
The effect of speediness on personality questionnaires: an experiment on applicants within a job recruiting procedure
L Khorramdel, KD Kubinger
Psychology Science 48 (3), 378, 2006
US Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) 2012/2014: Main Study and National Supplement Technical Report (NCES2016-036REV)(US Department of …
J Hogan, N Thornton, L Diaz-Hoffmann, L Mohadjer, T Krenzke, J Li, ...
US Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education …, 2016
Introducing multistage adaptive testing into international large-scale assessments designs using the example of PIAAC
K Yamamoto, L Khorramdel, HJ Shin
Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling 60 (3), 347-368, 2018
Differentiating response styles and construct-related responses: A new IRT approach using bifactor and second-order models
M von Davier, L Khorramdel
New developments in quantitative psychology: Presentations from the 77th …, 2013
Examining gender DIF and gender differences in the PISA 2018 reading literacy scale: A partial invariance approach
L Khorramdel, A Pokropek, SH Joo, I Kirsch, L Halderman
Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling 62 (2), 179-231, 2020
Combining mixture distribution and multidimensional IRTree models for the measurement of extreme response styles
L Khorramdel, M von Davier, A Pokropek
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 72 (3), 538-559, 2019
Evaluating item fit statistic thresholds in PISA: Analysis of cross‐country comparability of cognitive items
SH Joo, L Khorramdel, K Yamamoto, HJ Shin, F Robin
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 40 (2), 37-48, 2021
Plausible values: principles of item response theory and multiple imputations
L Khorramdel, M von Davier, E Gonzalez, K Yamamoto
Large-scale cognitive assessment: Analyzing PIAAC Data, 27-47, 2020
GDM Software mdltm Including Parallel EM Algorithm
L Khorramdel, HJ Shin, M von Davier
Handbook of Diagnostic Classification Models: Models and Model Extensions …, 2019
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