Tiachacht Samir
Tiachacht Samir
Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou, Tizi Ouzou, Algeria
在 ummto.dz 的电子邮件经过验证
An improved Artificial Neural Network using Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm for damage assessment in FGM composite plates
S Khatir, S Tiachacht, C Le Thanh, E Ghandourah, S Mirjalili, MA Wahab
Composite Structures 273, 114287, 2021
Damage assessment in composite laminates using ANN-PSO-IGA and Cornwell indicator
S Khatir, S Tiachacht, CL Thanh, TQ Bui, MA Wahab
Composite Structures 230, 111509, 2019
Damage assessment in structures using combination of a modified Cornwell indicator and genetic algorithm
S Tiachacht, A Bouazzouni, S Khatir, MA Wahab, A Behtani, R Capozucca
Engineering Structures 177, 421-430, 2018
Inverse problem for dynamic structural health monitoring based on slime mould algorithm
S Tiachacht, S Khatir, CL Thanh, RV Rao, S Mirjalili, M Abdel Wahab
Engineering with Computers, 1-24, 2021
A new robust flexibility index for structural damage identification and quantification
AWM Khatir Samir, Tiachacht Samir, Le Thanh Cuong, Tran-Ngoc Hoa, Mirjalili ...
Engineering Failure Analysis, 105714, 2021
A robust FRF damage indicator combined with optimization techniques for damage assessment in complex truss structures
S Khatir, S Tiachacht, CL Thanh, H Tran-Ngoc, S Mirjalili, MA Wahab
Case Studies in Construction Materials 17, e01197, 2022
Experimental sensitivity analysis of sensor placement based on virtual springs and damage quantification in CFRP composite
M Slimani, T Khatir, S Tiachacht, D Boutchicha, B Benaissa
Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures «JMES» 9 (2), 207-220, 2022
Damage identification in steel plate using FRF and inverse analysis.
S Khatir, MA Wahab, S Tiachacht, C Le Thanh, R Capozucca, ...
Frattura e Integrita Strutturale 58, 416-433, 2021
Damage identification in frame structure based on inverse analysis
S Khatir, S Tiachacht, B Benaissa, C Le Thanh, R Capozucca, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Damage …, 2022
Residual Force Method for damage identification in a laminated composite plate with different boundary conditions
A Behtani, S Tiachacht, T Khatir, S Khatir, MA Wahab, B Benaissa
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 16 (59), 35-48, 2022
Structural health monitoring of 3D frame structures using finite element modal analysis and genetic algorithm
S Tiachacht, A Bouazzouni, S Khatir, A Behtani, YLM Zhou, MA Wahab
Journal of Vibroengineering 20 (1), 202-214, 2018
Vibration-Based Damage Assessment in Truss Structures Using Local Frequency Change Ratio Indicator Combined with Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms
A Kahouadji, S Tiachacht, M Slimani, A Behtani, S Khatir, B Benaissa
International Conference of Steel and Composite for Engineering Structures …, 2022
Delamination detection in laminated composite using Virtual crack closure technique (VCCT) and modal flexibility based on dynamic analysis
S Khatir, A Behtani, S Tiachacht, A Bouazouni, MA Wahab, YL Zhou
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 842 (1), 012084, 2017
A chimp optimization algorithm (ChOA) for vibration-based damage detection of a damaged steel truss
M Slimani, S Tiachacht, T Khatir, S Khatir, A Behtani, C Le Thanh, ...
Structural Health Monitoring and Engineering Structures: Select Proceedings …, 2021
Damage detection in laminated composite plates based on local frequency change ratio indicator
S Khatir, S Tiachacht, C Le Thanh, T Khatir, R Capozucca, ...
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Damage Assessment of …, 2020
Bouazzouni A Khatir S Wahab MA Behtani A Capozucca R Damage assessment in structures using combination of a modified Cornwell indicator and genetic algorithm
S Tiachacht
Eng Struct 177, 421-430, 2018
Damage localization and quantification of composite beam structures using residual force and optimization
A Behtani, A Bouazzouni, S Khatir, S Tiachacht, YL Zhou, M Abdel Wahab
Journal of Vibroengineering 19 (7), 4977-4988, 2017
Improved ANN for damage identification in laminated composite plate
M Slimani, S Tiachacht, A Behtani, T Khatir, S Khatir, B Benaissa, ...
International Conference of Steel and Composite for Engineering Structures …, 2022
The sensitivity of modal strain energy for damage localization in composite stratified beam structures
A Behtani, S Tiachacht, S Khatir, M Slimani, L Mansouri, A Bouazzouni, ...
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Damage Assessment of …, 2020
Damage localization and quantification of composite stratified beam Structures using residual force method
A Behtani, A Bouazzouni, S Khatir, S Tiachacht, YL Zhou, MA Wahab
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 842 (1), 012028, 2017
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