Sarah J Hill
Sarah J Hill
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Higher predation risk for insect prey at low latitudes and elevations
T Roslin, B Hardwick, V Novotny, WK Petry, NR Andrew, A Asmus, ...
Science 356 (6339), 742-744, 2017
Assessing insect responses to climate change: What are we testing for? Where should we be heading?
NR Andrew, SJ Hill, M Binns, MH Bahar, EV Ridley, MP Jung, C Fyfe, ...
PeerJ 1, e11, 2013
Impacts of recent climate change on terrestrial flora and fauna: Some emerging Australian examples
AA Hoffmann, PD Rymer, M Byrne, KX Ruthrof, J Whinam, M McGeoch, ...
Austral Ecology 44 (1), 3-27, 2019
Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover
JS Santangelo, RW Ness, B Cohan, CR Fitzpatrick, SG Innes, S Koch, ...
Science 375 (6586), 1275-1281, 2022
Relationships between anthropogenic disturbance, soil properties and plant invasion in endangered Cumberland Plain Woodland, Australia
SJ Hill, PJ Tung, MR Leishman
Austral Ecology 30 (7), 775-788, 2005
Insect herbivory along environmental gradients
NR Andrew, IR Roberts, SJ Hill
Scientific Research Publishing, 2012
Effect of climate change on insect pest management
NR Andrew, SJ Hill
Environmental pest management: challenges for agronomists, ecologists …, 2017
Response of the soil seed‐bank of Cumberland Plain Woodland to heating
SJ Hill, K French
Austral Ecology 28 (1), 14-22, 2003
Potential impacts of fire and grazing in an endangered ecological community: plant composition and shrub and eucalypt regeneration in Cumberland Plain Woodland
SJ Hill, K French
Australian journal of Botany 52 (1), 23-29, 2004
CASA IP1: Network operations and initial data
J Brotzge, K Brewster, V Chandrasekar, B Philips, S Hill, K Hondl, ...
Preprints, 23rd International Conf. on Interactive Information Processing …, 2007
Classifying endangered vegetation communities: a case study of Cumberland Plain Woodlands
K French, B Callaghan, S Hill
Pacific Conservation Biology 6 (2), 120-129, 2000
Impacts of temperature on metabolic rates of adult Extatosoma tiaratum reared on different host plant species
SJ Hill, SC Silcocks, NR Andrew
Physiological entomology 45 (1), 7-15, 2020
Endozoochory and the Australian bluebell: Consumption of Billardiera fusiformis (Labill.) Payer (Pittosporaceae) seeds by three mammal species at two peoples bay nature reserve …
JA Cochrane, JA Friend, SJE Hill
Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88, 191, 2005
Seed size an important factor for the germination response of legume seeds subjected to simulated post-fire soil temperatures
SJ Hill, TD Auld
International Journal of Wildland Fire 29 (7), 618-627, 2020
Assessing public participation in water allocation management planning: issues, background and methodology for evaluation
S Hill, C Zammit
Landscape Futures-Social and Institutional Dimensions 6, 2001
The regeneration capacity of a remnant of Cumberland Plain Woodlands in Holsworthy military area
S Hill
Using seismic and CSEM imaging to improve geological understanding of mineralisation along Mohns Ridge
V Vinje, MS Bauck, H Jiang, C Scholl, S Edwards, S Hill, F Buriola, ...
First Break 41 (10), 87-93, 2023
An anecdotal observation of an amputee sawfish recapture and development of safe release guide for Papua New Guinea gillnet fisheries
MI Grant, Y Amepou, A Chin, SJ Hill, D Maggacis, M Green
Pacific Conservation Biology 30 (1), NULL-NULL, 2023
Using devitalised seeds in myrmecological research
JC O'Hanlon, SJ Hill, NR Andrew
Austral entomology 58 (4), 805-809, 2019
Investigation of a food-related outbreak of Norovirus gastroenteritis
S Hill
Lower Hutt [NZ], 2010
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