Michael J. Cullen
Michael J. Cullen
Senior Director of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research, University of Minnesota Medical School
在 umn.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
On interpreting stereotype threat as accounting for African American-White differences on cognitive tests.
PR Sackett, CM Hardison, MJ Cullen
American Psychologist 59 (1), 7, 2004
Personality and counterproductive workplace behavior
MJ Cullen, PR Sackett
Personality and work: Reconsidering the role of personality in organizations …, 2003
Using SAT-grade and ability-job performance relationships to test predictions derived from stereotype threat theory.
MJ Cullen, CM Hardison, PR Sackett
Journal of Applied Psychology 89 (2), 220, 2004
Threats to the operational use of situational judgment tests in the college admission process
MJ Cullen, PR Sackett, F Lievens
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 14 (2), 142-155, 2006
Operational threats to the use of SJTs: Faking, coaching, and retesting issues
AC Hooper, PR Sackett, MJ Cullen
Situational judgment tests, 205-232, 2013
Testing stereotype threat theory predictions for math-identified and non-math-identified students by gender
MJ Cullen, SD Waters, PR Sackett
Human Performance 19 (4), 421-440, 2006
Personnel Screening With the MMPI-2.
JN Butcher, DS Ones, M Cullen
American Psychological Association, 2006
Racial/ethnic subgroup differences in cognitive ability test range restriction: Implications for differential validity.
CM Berry, MJ Cullen, JM Meyer
Journal of applied psychology 99 (1), 21, 2014
Predicting performance of first-year residents: correlations between structured interview, licensure exam, and competency scores in a multi-institutional study
B Marcus-Blank, JA Dahlke, JP Braman, E Borman-Shoap, E Tiryaki, ...
Academic Medicine 94 (3), 378-387, 2019
On Interpreting Research on Stereotype Threat and Test Performance.
PR Sackett, CM Hardison, MJ Cullen
American Psychological Association 60 (3), 271, 2005
Integrity testing in the workplace
MJ Cullen, P Sackett
The comprehensive handbook of psychological testing 4, 149-165, 2004
Individual differences in the effectiveness of error management training for developing negotiation skills
MJ Cullen, JP Muros, R Rasch, PR Sackett
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 21 (1), 1-21, 2013
On the Value of Correcting Mischaracterizations of Stereotype Threat Research.
PR Sackett, CM Hardison, MJ Cullen
American Psychological Association 59 (1), 48, 2004
Not all unprofessional behaviors are equal: The creation of a checklist of bad behaviors
MJ Cullen, MR Konia, EC Borman-Shoap, JP Braman, E Tiryaki, ...
Medical Teacher 39 (1), 85-91, 2017
Improving our ability to predict resident applicant performance: validity evidence for a situational judgment test
MJ Cullen, C Zhang, B Marcus-Blank, JP Braman, E Tiryaki, M Konia, ...
Teaching and Learning in Medicine 32 (5), 508-521, 2020
See no evil, hear no evil, stop no evil: institutional-level tracking to combat mistreatment of residents and fellows
T Mustapha, Y Ho, JS Andrews, MJ Cullen
Journal of graduate medical education 11 (5), 601-605, 2019
Personality and police officer behaviors: A comprehensive meta-analysis
DS Ones, C Viswesvaran, M Cullen, S Drees, K Langkamp
Personality work behaviors of police officers. Orlando, Florida: Symposium …, 2003
Validity evidence for assessing entrustable professional activities during undergraduate medical education
C Violato, MJ Cullen, R Englander, KE Murray, PM Hobday, ...
Academic Medicine 96 (7S), S70-S75, 2021
A meta-analysis of the MMPI and police officer performance
MJ Cullen, DS Ones, SA Drees, C Viswesvaran, K Langkamp
SW Spilberg & DS Ones (Chairs), Personality and work behaviors of police …, 2003
Personality assessment in police officer screening: Mandates and practices
SA Drees, DS Ones, MJ Cullen, SW Spilberg, C Viswesvaran
18th Annual Meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational …, 2003
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