María Elena Gómez Miranda
María Elena Gómez Miranda
Profesora de Análisis Contable, Universidad de Granada
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Board independence and GRI-IFC performance standards: The mediating effect of the CSR committee
IM García-Sánchez, ME Gómez-Miranda, F David, L Rodríguez-Ariza
Journal of Cleaner Production 225, 554-562, 2019
The explanatory effect of CSR committee and assurance services on the adoption of the IFC performance standards, as a means of enhancing corporate transparency
IM García-Sánchez, ME Gomez-Miranda, F David, L Rodríguez-Ariza
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 10 (5), 773-797, 2019
Measuring the impact of inquiry-based learning on outcomes and student satisfaction
JL Zafra-Gómez, I Román-Martínez, ME Gómez-Miranda
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 40 (8), 1050-1069, 2015
Analyst coverage and forecast accuracy when CSR reports improve stakeholder engagement: The Global Reporting Initiative‐International Finance Corporation disclosure strategy
IM García‐Sánchez, ME Gómez‐Miranda, F David, L Rodríguez‐Ariza
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2019
Análisis de sensibilidad temporal en los modelos de predicción de insolvencia: una aplicación a las PYMES industrials
MEG Miranda, JM de la Torre Martínez, IR Martínez
Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting/Revista Española de Financiación y …, 2008
The Impact of Organizational Culture on Competitiveness, Effectiveness and Efficiency in Spanish-Moroccan International Joint Ventures
ME Gómez-Miranda, MC Pérez-López, E Argente-Linares, ...
Personnel Review 44, 364-387, 2015
The internationalisation of Spanish family firms through business groups: Factors affecting the profitability, and the moderating effect of the family nature of the Spanish …
MCP López, MEG Miranda, E Argente-Linares, L López-Sánchez
Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review 21 (1), 82-90, 2018
The impact of population size on the risk of local government default
D Buendía-Carrillo, J Lara-Rubio, A Navarro-Galera, ME Gómez-Miranda
International Tax and Public Finance 27 (5), 1264-1286, 2020
Evidencia empírica en torno al estudio del factor tamaño como condicionante empresarial
ME Gómez Miranda, L Rodríguez Ariza
Analysing financial risks of local governments to design sustainability policies for public services: An empirical study by the population size
J Lara-Rubio, A Navarro-Galera, D Buendia-Carrillo, ME Gomez-Miranda
Cities 128, 103795, 2022
University research and the creation of spin‐offs: the Spanish case
I Román‐Martínez, ME Gómez‐Miranda, J Sánchez‐Fernández
European Journal of Education 52 (3), 387-398, 2017
An empirical analysis of women’s influence on management of financial risk in local governments: Un análisis empírico de la influencia de la mujer en la gestión del riesgo …
MEG Miranda, A Navarro-Galera, D Buendía-Carrillo, J Lara-Rubio
Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review 25 (2), 271-281, 2022
Las spin-off universitarias españolas: análisis económico-financiero y factores que condicionan su cifra de negocios
ME Gómez Miranda, MI Román Martínez
Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 2016
Vartika.(2022). The Disclosures of Information on Cybersecurity in Listed Companies in Latin America—Proposal for a Cybersecurity Disclosure Index. Sustainability, 14 (3), 1390
M Ramírez, L Rodríguez Ariza, ME Gómez Miranda
La rentabilidad sobre las ventas netas de la empresa Cartavio SAA, período 2016-2020
M Miranda, V Rivas
Lima. Obtenido de https://repositorio. ucv. edu. pe/bitstream/handle/20.500 …, 2021
Reference tick strains as an important biological material for acaricide resistance characterization
F Martínez-Ibáñez, E Miranda-Miranda, VCE Jasso, R Cossio-Bayugar
The Entomological Guide to Rhipicephalus. Nova Science, New York, 177-200, 2021
Economic and financial snapshot of small Spanish family firms
S Terrón Ibáñez, ME Gómez-Miranda, MM Miras Rodríguez, ...
Las spin-off universitarias en Andalucía: caracterización económico-financiera
IR Martínez, MEG Miranda
Revista de estudios regionales, 75-101, 2014
Actividad:¿ Condicionante de la situación económico-financiera empresarial?
L Rodríguez Ariza, ME Gómez Miranda
& Rodríguez-Ariza, L.(2015). The impact of organizational culture on competitiveness, effectiveness and efficiency in Spanish-Moroccan international joint ventures
K Kamoche, LQ Siebers, A Mamman, A Newenham-Kahindi, ...
Personnel review 44 (3), 364-387, 0
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