Choukri Derbazi
Choukri Derbazi
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Frères Mentouri University Constantine 1, Ain
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--Caputo fractional differential equations with multi-point boundary conditions by Topological Degree Theory
Z Baitiche, C Derbazi, M Benchohra
Results in Nonlinear Analysis 3 (4), 167-178, 2020
Initial Value Problem For Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations With ψ-Caputo Derivative Via Monotone Iterative Technique
C Derbazi, Z Baitiche, M Benchohra, A Cabada
Axioms 9 (2), 57, 2020
Fractional hybrid differential equations with three-point boundary hybrid conditions
C Derbazi, H Hammouche, M Benchohra, Y Zhou
Advances in Difference Equations 2019 (1), 125, 2019
Measure of noncompactness and fractional hybrid differential equations with hybrid conditions
C Derbazi, H Hammouche, A Salim, M Benchohra
Differ. Equ. Appl 14 (2), 145-161, 2022
Monotone iterative method for ψ-Caputo fractional differential equation with nonlinear boundary conditions
Z Baitiche, C Derbazi, J Alzabut, ME Samei, MKA Kaabar, Z Siri
Fractal and Fractional 5 (3), 81, 2021
Ulam stability for nonlinear-Langevin fractional differential equations involving two fractional orders in the ψ-Caputo sense
Z Baitiche, C Derbazi, MM Matar
Applicable Analysis 101 (14), 4866-4881, 2022
Coupled Systems of -Caputo Differential Equations with Initial Conditions in Banach Spaces
C Derbazi, Z Baitiche
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 17 (5), 169, 2020
Extremal solutions of generalized Caputo-type fractional-order boundary value problems using monotone iterative method
C Derbazi, Z Baitiche, MS Abdo, K Shah, B Abdalla, T Abdeljawad
Fractal and Fractional 6 (3), 146, 2022
Cauchy problem with --Caputo fractional derivative in Banach spaces
C Derbazi, Z Baitiche, M Benchohra
Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and its Application 4 (4), 349-360, 2021
Qualitative analysis of fractional relaxation equation and coupled system with ψ-Caputo fractional derivative in Banach spaces
C Derbazi, Z Baitiche, MS Abdo, T Abdeljawad
AIMS Math 6 (3), 2486-2509, 2021
Caputo–Hadamard fractional differential equations with nonlocal fractional integro-differential boundary conditions via topological degree theory
CDH Hammouche
AIMS Mathematics 5 (3), 2694–2709, 2020
A New Class of Coupled Systems of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Partial Fractional Differential Equations in Generalized Banach Spaces Involving the ψ–Caputo …
Z Baitiche, C Derbazi, M Benchohra, Y Zhou
Symmetry 13 (12), 2412, 2021
Monotone iterative method for nonlinear fractional p‐Laplacian differential equation in terms of ψ‐Caputo fractional derivative equipped with a new class of …
Z Baitiche, C Derbazi, G Wang
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 45 (2), 967-976, 2022
Weak solutions for some nonlinear fractional differential equations with fractional integral boundary conditions in Banach spaces
C Derbazi, H Hammouche, M Benchohra
Nonlinear Funct. Anal, 2019
Weak solutions for fractional Langevin equations involving two fractional orders in banach spaces. Afr. Mat. 34 (2023), 10 pages
C Derbazi, H Hammouche, A Salim, M Benchohra
Existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for fractional relaxation equation in terms of ψ-Caputo fractional derivative
C Derbazi, Z Baitiche, A Zada
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 24 (2 …, 2023
Boundary Value Problem for ψ-Caputo Fractional Differential Equations in Banach Spaces via Densifiability Techniques
C Derbazi, Z Baitiche, M Benchohra, Y Zhou
Mathematics 10 (01), 153, 2022
The application of Meir-Keeler condensing operators to a new class of fractional differential equations involving Ψ-Caputo fractional derivative
Z Baitiche, C Derbazi, M Benchohra, A Cabada
J. Nonlinear Var. Anal 5, 561-572, 2021
Boundary value problems for Caputo fractional differential equations with nonlocal and fractional integral boundary conditions
C Derbazi, H Hammouche
Arabian Journal of Mathematics 9 (3), 531-544, 2020
Weak solutions for fractional Langevin equations involving two fractional orders in banach spaces
C Derbazi, H Hammouche, A Salim, M Benchohra
Afrika Matematika 34 (1), 1, 2023
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