Dylan Stompe
Dylan Stompe
在 ucdavis.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Comparing and integrating fish surveys in the San Francisco Estuary: why diverse long-term monitoring programs are important
DK Stompe, PB Moyle, A Kruger, JR Durand
San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 18 (2), 2020
Non‐native Fishes in Estuaries
PB Moyle, DK Stompe
Fish and fisheries in estuaries: a global perspective 2, 684-705, 2022
Sacramento River predator diet analysis: a comparative study
DK Stompe, JD Roberts, CA Estrada, DM Keller, NM Balfour, AI Banet
San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 18 (1), 2020
A Spatiotemporal History of Key San Francisco Estuary Pelagic Fish Species
DK Stompe, PB Moyle, KL Oken, JA Hobbs, JR Durand
Biorxiv, 2022.08. 26.505491, 2022
A Spatiotemporal History of Key Pelagic Fish Species in the San Francisco Estuary, CA
DK Stompe, PB Moyle, KL Oken, JA Hobbs, JR Durand
Estuaries and Coasts 46 (4), 1067-1082, 2023
Habitat-specific diet analysis of Sacramento pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus grandis) and striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Sacramento River
DK Stompe
California State University, Chico, 2018
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J Doyle, S Houston
The Distribution and Abundance of Striped Bass and Other Estuarine Fishes in the San Francisco and Umpqua River Estuaries
DK Stompe
University of California, Davis, 2022
Marine Fish Ecology II
DK Stompe
American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference, 2019
To Catch a Predator: Sacramento River Predator Diet Analysis
DK Stompe, JD Roberts, CA Estrada, DM Keller, NM Balfour, AI Banet
American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference, 2019
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C Newell, B Williamshen, L Williams, M Broukhim, A Tung, D Stompe, ...
California WaterBlog
CA Parisek, PB Moyle, J Porter, AL Rypel
Home is where the habitat is
D Stompe, T O’Rear, J Durand, P Moyle
Striped Bass in the Pacific Ocean: When, where and why?
DK Stompe
2015-2016 Chinook Salmon Dewatered Redd Monitoring on the Sacramento River
DK Stompe
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