Joonsang Park
Joonsang Park
在 ngi.no 的电子邮件经过验证
Perfectly matched layers in the thin layer method
JM de Oliveira Barbosa, J Park, E Kausel
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 217, 262-274, 2012
Using prokaryotes for carbon capture storage
N Hicks, U Vik, P Taylor, E Ladoukakis, J Park, F Kolisis, KS Jakobsen
Trends in biotechnology 35 (1), 22-32, 2017
Numerical dispersion in the thin-layer method
J Park, E Kausel
Computers & structures 82 (7-8), 607-625, 2004
Impulse response of elastic half-space in the wave number–time domain
J Park, E Kausel
Journal of engineering mechanics 130 (10), 1211-1222, 2004
2.5 D inversion and joint interpretation of CSEM data at Sleipner CO2 storage
J Park, G Sauvin, M Vöge
Energy Procedia 114, 3989-3996, 2017
CSEM sensitivity study for Sleipner CO2-injection monitoring
J Park, M Fawad, I Viken, E Aker, TI Bjørnarå
Energy Procedia 37, 4199-4206, 2013
Effect of brine-CO2 fracture flow on velocity and electrical resistivity of naturally fractured tight sandstones
M Nooraiepour, B Bohloli, J Park, G Sauvin, E Skurtveit, NH Mondol
Geophysics 83 (1), WA37-WA48, 2018
Vertically integrated models for coupled two‐phase flow and geomechanics in porous media
TI Bjørnarå, JM Nordbotten, J Park
Water Resources Research 52 (2), 1398-1417, 2016
Can we use surface uplift data for reservoir performance monitoring? A case study from In Salah, Algeria
B Bohloli, TI Bjørnarå, J Park, A Rucci
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 76, 200-207, 2018
Combining CSEM or gravity inversion with seismic AVO inversion, with application to monitoring of large-scale CO2 injection
S Tveit, T Mannseth, J Park, G Sauvin, R Agersborg
Computational Geosciences 24 (3), 1201-1220, 2020
Field-data analysis and hydromechanical modeling of CO2 storage at In Salah, Algeria
TI Bjørnarå, B Bohloli, J Park
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 79, 61-72, 2018
CCS leakage detection technology-Industry needs, government regulations, and sensor performance
IK Waarum, AEA Blomberg, E Eek, J Brown, A Ulfsnes, M Carpenter, ...
Energy Procedia 114, 3613-3627, 2017
Effect of track defects on vibration from high speed train
AM Kaynia, J Park, K Norén-Cosgriff
Procedia engineering 199, 2681-2686, 2017
Induced-seismicity geomechanics for controlled CO2 storage in the North Sea (IGCCS)
J Park, L Griffiths, J Dautriat, L Grande, IV Rodriguez, K Iranpour, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 115, 103614, 2022
Stiffness matrices for fluid and anisotropic soil layers with applications in soil dynamics
J Park, AM Kaynia
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 115, 169-182, 2018
Digital drill core models: Structure-from-motion as a tool for the characterisation, orientation, and digital archiving of drill core samples
P Betlem, T Birchall, K Ogata, J Park, E Skurtveit, K Senger
Remote Sensing 12 (2), 330, 2020
Response of Layered Half-Space Obtained Directly in the Time Domain, Part I: SH Sources
J Park, E Kausel
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 96 (5), 1795-1809, 2006
Response of Layered Half-Space Obtained Directly in the Time Domain, Part II: SV-P and Three-Dimensional Sources
E Kausel, J Park
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 96 (5), 1810-1826, 2006
Bayesian rock-physics inversion: Application to CO2 storage monitoring
B Dupuy, A Romdhane, PL Nordmann, P Eliasson, J Park
Geophysics 86 (4), M101-M122, 2021
CSEM data analysis for Sleipner CO2 storage
J Park, I Viken, TI Bjørnarå, E Aker
Trondheim CCS-6 Conference, June, 14-16, 2011
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