Case Study: Exploring Golden Age Students’ Ability and Identifying Learning Activities in Kindergarten M Rohmadi, M Sudaryanto, C Ulya, H Akbariski, U Putri Proceedings of the First Brawijaya International Conference on Social and …, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Jawanesia and Javenglish phenomenon in tweet on twitter social media C Ulya, M Rohmadi, UR Putri, K Wulansari, M Sudaryanto MICOSS 2020: Proceedings of the 1st MICOSS Mercu Buana International …, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Comparative Study of Persuasive Directive Speech on Printed and Digital Media Advertising M Rohmadi, C Ulya, K Wulansari, UR Putri, M Sudaryanto MICOSS 2020: Proceedings of the 1st MICOSS Mercu Buana International …, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Religious reality in short stories with the theme of the COVID-19 pandemic C Ulya, S Suwandi, NE Wardani, T Setiyoningsih, UR Putri, E Liliani Diksi 32 (1), 17-32, 2024 | | 2024 |
A bibliometric analysis on “edu-technopreneurship” topic and chance on its development in language, literature, and literacy fields C Ulya, UR Putri, BW Setyawan, N Samsiyah, H Septiana, TS Joyotu BAHASTRA 43 (2), 183-197, 2023 | | 2023 |
Representation of Masculinity in the Poetry Anthology" Barista tanpa Nama" by Agus Noor C Ulya, BCW Rubiyanto, UR Putri, A Noreewec KEMBARA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya 9 (2), 415-427, 2023 | | 2023 |
Peta Kompetensi Kemampuan Menulis Cerita Pendek pada Siswa SMA Kelas XI UR Putri UNS (Sebelas Maret University), 2021 | | 2021 |
POLA PENGEMBANGAN ALUR PADA CERITA PENDEK KARYA SISWA SMA NEGERI ANDONG BOYOLALI C Ulya, UR Putri Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia 11 (2), 94-101, 0 | | |
Sosialisasi Mitigasi Bencana Alam Tsunami melalui Wayang Fabel secara Daring di SD Negeri Rejosari pada Masa Pandemi AD Saputra, HS Akbariski, UR Putri, K Wulansari, NH Legawa, Y Prasetyo, ... Proceedings National Conference PKM Center 1 (1), 0 | | |