Jose Juan de Sanjosé Blasco
Ice patch origin, evolution and dynamics in a temperate high mountain environment: the Jou Negro, Picos de Europa (NW Spain)
E Serrano, JJ González‐trueba, JJ Sanjose, LM Del Rio
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 93 (2), 57-70, 2011
Rock glacier dynamics in a marginal periglacial high mountain environment: Flow, movement (1991–2000) and structure of the Argualas rock glacier, the Pyrenees
E Serrano, JJ San José, C Agudo
Geomorphology 74 (1-4), 285-296, 2006
Rock glacier dynamics in marginal periglacial environments
E Serrano, JJ de Sanjosé, JJ González‐Trueba
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 35 (11), 1302-1314, 2010
Does HDR pre-processing improve the accuracy of 3D models obtained by means of two conventional SfM-MVS software packages? The case of the Corral del Veleta rock glacier
Á Gómez-Gutiérrez, JJ de Sanjosé-Blasco, J Lozano-Parra, ...
Remote Sensing 7 (8), 10269-10294, 2015
sUAS, SfM-MVS photogrammetry and a topographic algorithm method to quantify the volume of sediments retained in check-dams
A Alfonso-Torreño, Á Gómez-Gutiérrez, S Schnabel, JFL Contador, ...
Science of the Total Environment 678, 369-382, 2019
Degradation of buried ice and permafrost in the Veleta cirque (Sierra Nevada, Spain) from 2006 to 2013 as a response to recent climate trends
A Gómez-Ortiz, M Oliva, F Salvador-Franch, M Salvà-Catarineu, ...
Solid Earth 5 (2), 979-993, 2014
Comparing two photo-reconstruction methods to produce high density point clouds and DEMs in the Corral del Veleta Rock Glacier (Sierra Nevada, Spain)
Á Gómez-Gutiérrez, JJ de Sanjosé-Blasco, J de Matías-Bejarano, ...
Remote Sensing 6 (6), 5407-5427, 2014
Dinámica, evolución y estructura de los glaciares rocosos de los Pirineos
E Serrano, JJ González Trueba, JJ Sanjosé Blasco
Universidad de La Rioja, 2011
Exploring the relationships between gully erosion and hydrology in rangelands of SW Spain
Á Gómez-Gutiérrez, S Schnabel, JJ De Sanjosé, FL Contador
Zeitscrift fuer Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues 56 (1), 27-44, 2012
Orthothermographies and 3D modeling as potential tools in ice caves studies: the Peña Castil Ice Cave (Picos de Europa, Northern Spain)
F Berenguer-Sempere, M Gómez-Lende, E Seranno, ...
International Journal of Speleology 43 (1), 4, 2014
Monitoring retreat of coastal sandy systems using geomatics techniques: Somo Beach (Cantabrian Coast, Spain, 1875–2017)
JJ de Sanjosé Blasco, M Gómez-Lende, M Sánchez-Fernández, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (9), 1500, 2018
Digital preservation of cultural and scientific heritage: involving university students to raise awareness of its importance
P Redweik, AP Cláudio, MB Carmo, JM Naranjo, JJ Sanjosé
Virtual Archaeology Review 8 (16), 22-34, 2017
Geomatics techniques applied to glaciers, rock glaciers, and ice patches in Spain (1991–2012)
JJ De Sanjosé, F Berenguer, ADJ Atkinson, J De Matías, E Serrano, ...
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 96 (3), 307-321, 2014
Assessment of the structural integrity of the Roman Bridge of Alcántara (Spain) using TLS and GPR
JPC Pérez, JJ Sanjosé Blasco, ADJ Atkinson, LM del Río Pérez
Remote Sensing 10 (3), 387, 2018
Periglacial environments and frozen ground in the central Pyrenean high mountain area: Ground thermal regime and distribution of landforms and processes
E Serrano, JJ de Sanjosé‐Blasco, M Gómez‐Lende, JI López‐Moreno, ...
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 30 (4), 292-309, 2019
Surface dynamic of a protalus lobe in the temperate high mountain. Western Maladeta, Pyrenees
MG García, ES Cañadas, JJS Blasco, JJG Trueba
Catena 149, 689-700, 2017
Glacier retreat during the recent eruptive period of Popocaté petl volcano, Mexico
N Andrés, JJ Zamorano, JJ Sanjosé, A Atkinson, D Palacios
Annals of Glaciology 45, 73-82, 2007
Cubierta nival, permafrost y formación de flujos superficiales en un talud detrítico de alta montaña (Corral del Veleta, Sierra Nevada, España)
LMT García, DP Estremera, JJZ Orozco, AG Ortiz
Cuadernos de investigación geográfica: Geographical Research Letters 36 (2 …, 2010
Deglaciación reciente de Sierra Nevada: Repercusiones morfogénicas, nuevos datos y perspectivas de estudio futuro
DP Estremera, L Schulte, FS Franch, JJ de Sanjosé Blasco, ADJ Atkinson, ...
Cuadernos de investigación geográfica: Geographical Research Letters, 147-168, 2004
Monitoring permafrost and periglacial processes in Sierra Nevada (Spain) from 2001 to 2016
A Gómez‐Ortiz, M Oliva, F Salvador‐Franch, D Palacios, LM Tanarro, ...
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 30 (4), 278-291, 2019
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