Karel Karsten Himawan
Karel Karsten Himawan
Universitas Pelita Harapan; The University of Queensland
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What does it mean to be single in Indonesia? Religiosity, social stigma, and marital status among never-married Indonesian adults
KK Himawan, M Bambling, S Edirippulige
Sage Open 8 (3), 2158244018803132, 2018
A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being
S Hoogeveen, A Sarafoglou, B Aczel, Y Aditya, AJ Alayan, PJ Allen, ...
Religion, Brain & Behavior 13 (3), 237-283, 2023
The development of Indonesian teacher competence questionnaire
MSPKK Himawan
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology 5 (2), 1-15, 2016
Modernization and singlehood in Indonesia: Psychological and social impacts
KK Himawan, M Bambling, S Edirippulige
Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences 40 (2), 499-506, 2019
The Asian single profiles: Discovering many faces of never married adults in Asia
KK Himawan, M Bambling, S Edirippulige
Journal of Family Issues 39 (14), 3667-3689, 2018
Either I do or I must: An exploration of the marriage attitudes of Indonesian singles
KK Himawan
The Social Science Journal, 2018
The Sociocultural Barriers of Work-From-Home Arrangement Due to COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia: Implications and Future Implementation
KK Himawan, JP Fanggidae, J Helmi
Knowledge and Process Management, 2022
The single’s struggle: Discovering involuntary singleness in Indonesia through gender and religious perspectives
KK Himawan
The Family Journal 28 (4), 379-389, 2020
Singleness, religiosity, and the implications for counselors: The Indonesian case
KK Himawan, M Bambling, S Edirippulige
Europe's journal of psychology 14 (2), 485, 2018
Singleness, sex, and spirituality: How religion affects the experience of being single in Indonesia
KK Himawan
Mental Health, Religion & Culture 23 (2), 204-215, 2020
Being single when marriage is the norm: Internet use and the well-being of never-married adults in Indonesia
KK Himawan, M Underwood, M Bambling, S Edirippulige
Current Psychology, 1-12, 2021
Menikah adalah ibadah: Peran agama dalam mengkonstruksi pengalaman melajang di Indonesia
KK Himawan
Jurnal Studi Pemuda 9 (2), 120-135, 2020
Jealousy and relationship satisfaction among Indonesian dating adults
KK Himawan
PsyCh journal 6 (4), 328-329, 2017
Pemikiran Magis: Ketika Batas Antara Magis dan Logis Menjadi Bias
KK Himawan
Indeks, 2013
Tantangan melakukan kajian literatur psikologi di Indonesia: Masalah mendasar dan solusinya
S El Hafiz, KK Himawan
Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat 8 (1), 6-17, 2021
Hubungan antara Kecerdasan Emosional dan Kecenderungan Burnout pada Karyawan Bagian Pemasaran
MS Wijaya, KS Sitorus, KK Himawan
Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat 3 (1), 18-33, 2016
Magical thinking in Jakarta: What makes you believe what you believe
KK Himawan
Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy 5 (1), 3-9, 2014
A source of hope whilst in waiting: The contributions of religiosity to the psychological well-being of involuntarily single women
TCR Lianda, KK Himawan
ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal 37 (2), 244-267, 2022
Religion and well-being in Indonesia: Exploring the role of religion in a society where being atheist is not an option
KK Himawan, I Martoyo, EM Himawan, Y Aditya, C Suwartono
Religion, Brain & Behavior 13 (3), 313-315, 2023
Data from an international multi-centre study of statistics and mathematics anxieties and related variables in University students (the SMARVUS dataset)
J Terry, RM Ross, T Nagy, M Salgado, P Garrido-Vásquez, JO Sarfo, ...
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