Tomasz Szara
Tomasz Szara
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego
在 sggw.edu.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
Morphology, morphometry and some aspects of clinical anatomy in the skull and mandible of Sharri sheep
T Jashari, S Duro, O Gündemir, T Szara, V Ilieski, D Mamuti, ...
Biologia 77 (2), 423-433, 2022
Sex Determination in Japanese Quails (Coturnix japonica) Using Geometric Morphometrics of the Skull
T Szara, S Duro, O Gündemir, İ Demircioğlu
Animals 12 (3), 302, 2022
Sexual dimorphism in skulls of the lowland European bison, Bison bonasus bonasus
F Kobryńczuk, M Krasińska, T Szara
Annales Zoologici Fennici 45 (4), 335-340, 2008
A different perspective on sex dimorphism in the adult Hermann's tortoise: geometric morphometry
S Duro, O Gündemir, B Sönmez, T Jashari, T Szara, G Pazvant, A Kambo
Zoological Studies 60, 2021
Histology, histochemistry and fine structure of the Harderian gland, lacrimal gland and superficial gland of the third eyelid of the European bison, Bison bonasus bonasus …
J Klećkowska-Nawrot, R Nowaczyk, K Gozdźiewska-Harłajczuk, T Szara, ...
Zoologia (Curitiba) 32, 380-394, 2015
Geometric morphometry in veterinary anatomy
İ Boz, Y Altundağ, T Szara, N Hadziomerovic, NG Ince, G Pazvant, ...
Veterinaria 72 (1), 15-27, 2023
Skull variation in different breeds sheep from Balkan countries
O Gündemir, S Duro, T Szara, L Koungoulos, T Jashari, İ Demircioğlu, ...
Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger 249, 152083, 2023
Cranial morphology of Balkan and West Asian livestock guardian dogs
O Gündemir, L Koungoulos, T Szara, S Duro, MC Spataru, M Michaud, ...
Journal of Anatomy 243 (6), 951-959, 2023
Morphometric variation of the skull during postnatal development in the Lowland European bisonBison bonasus bonasus
M Krasińska, E Szuma, F Kobryńczuk, T Szara
Acta theriologica 53, 193-216, 2008
Radiogrametric analysis of the thoracic limb phalanges in Arabian horses and thoroughbred horses
O Gündemir, T Szara, G Pazvant, DO Erdikmen, S Duro, W Perez
Animals 11 (8), 2205, 2021
Effect of dietary protein level and source on bone mineralization in rats
MA Gralak, AW Piastowska, H Leontowicz, M Leontowicz, A Antczak, ...
Biofactors 22 (1‐4), 25-28, 2004
Heart size in wood pigeon Columba palumbus (Linnaeus, 1758)
B Bartyzel, H Kobryń, T Szara, I Podbielska, P Mysłek
Veterinarija Ir Zootecnika 21, 43, 2003
A pilot study: Can calcaneus radiographic image be used to determine sex and breed in cats?
E Şenol, O Gündemir, S Duro, T Szara, Y Demiraslan, H Karadağ
Veterinary Medicine and Science 8 (5), 1855-1861, 2022
Polarization of skull shapes in adult Lowland European bison, Bison bonasus bonasus
F Kobryńczuk, M Krasińska, T Szara
Annales Zoologici Fennici 45 (4), 341-346, 2008
Examination of shape variation of the skull in British Shorthair, Scottish Fold, and Van Cats
O Gündemir, T Szara, EE Yalin, M Karabagli, Z Mutlu, O Yilmaz, ...
Animals 13 (4), 614, 2023
Morphological Divergence of Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni boettgeri Mojsisovits, 1889) in Albania
S Duro, B Sönmez, O Gündemir, T Jashari, T Szara
Animals 11 (1), 134, 2021
Podstawy anatomii zwierząt domowych
H Przespolewska, H Kobryń, T Szara, BJ Bartyzel
Wieś Jutra, Warszawa, 2009
Sex dimorphism of the scapula in the European bison (Bison bonasus)
T Szara, F Kobryńczuk, H Kobryń, B Bartyzel, A Nowicka
Veterinaria i Zootechnika 23, 60-62, 2003
Shape differences of the Carina sterni in birds of various locomotion types
MG Gündemir, T Szara, C Spataru, I Demircioglu, B Turek, G Petrovas, ...
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 52 (2), 190-196, 2023
Sex determination based on morphometric measurements in yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) around Istanbul
G Pazvant, NG İnce, E Özkan, O Gündemir, K Avanus, T Szara
BMC zoology 7 (1), 35, 2022
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