Modular microprocessor-based health monitoring system SJ Brown US Patent 5,899,855, 1999 | 1981 | 1999 |
Diabetes management system and method for controlling blood glucose DRL Worthington, SJ Brown US Patent 5,822,715, 1998 | 1925 | 1998 |
Diabetes management system and method for controlling blood glucose DRL Worthington, SJ Brown US Patent 6,379,301, 2002 | 1813 | 2002 |
Modular microprocessor-based health monitoring system SJ Brown US Patent 5,307,263, 1994 | 1618 | 1994 |
Remote health monitoring and maintenance system SJ Brown US Patent 6,168,563, 2001 | 1354 | 2001 |
Networked system for interactive communication and remote monitoring of individuals SJ Brown US Patent 5,997,476, 1999 | 1265 | 1999 |
Network media access control system for encouraging patient compliance with a treatment plan SJ Brown US Patent 5,933,136, 1999 | 1232 | 1999 |
Method for treating medical conditions using a microprocessor-based video game SJ Brown US Patent 5,918,603, 1999 | 1221 | 1999 |
Monitoring system for remotely querying individuals SJ Brown US Patent 5,897,493, 1999 | 1220 | 1999 |
Method of conducting an on-line auction with bid pooling SJ Brown US Patent 5,794,219, 1998 | 1166 | 1998 |
Networked system for interactive communications and remote monitoring of drug delivery SJ Brown US Patent 6,270,455, 2001 | 1150 | 2001 |
Multiple patient monitoring system for proactive health management SJ Brown US Patent 6,246,992, 2001 | 1148 | 2001 |
Multi-user remote health monitoring system SJ Brown US Patent 6,101,478, 2000 | 1093 | 2000 |
Health management process control system SJ Brown US Patent 5,960,403, 1999 | 1076 | 1999 |
On-line health education and feedback system using motivational driver profile coding and automated content fulfillment SJ Brown, EK Jensen US Patent 5,879,163, 1999 | 1058 | 1999 |
Personalized display of health information SJ Brown, EK Jensen US Patent 6,032,119, 2000 | 1054 | 2000 |
Disease simulation system and method SJ Brown US Patent 5,956,501, 1999 | 1048 | 1999 |
Multiple patient monitoring system for proactive health management SJ Brown US Patent 5,832,448, 1998 | 1002 | 1998 |
Method for diagnosis and treatment of psychological and emotional disorders using a microprocessor-based video game SJ Brown US Patent 5,913,310, 1999 | 998 | 1999 |
Treatment regimen compliance and efficacy with feedback SJ Brown US Patent 6,161,095, 2000 | 877 | 2000 |