Mickey Agha
Mickey Agha
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
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Where have all the turtles gone, and why does it matter?
JE Lovich, JR Ennen, M Agha, JW Gibbons
BioScience 68 (10), 771-781, 2018
Climatic variation and tortoise survival: Has a desert species met its match?
JE Lovich, CB Yackulic, J Freilich, M Agha, M Austin, KP Meyer, ...
Biological Conservation 169, 214-224, 2014
A review of wildlife camera trapping trends across Africa
M Agha, T Batter, EC Bolas, AC Collins, D Gomes da Rocha, ...
African Journal of Ecology 56 (4), 694-701, 2018
Changing thermal landscapes: merging climate science and landscape ecology through thermal biology
AJ Nowakowski, LO Frishkoff, M Agha, BD Todd, BR Scheffers
Current Landscape Ecology Reports 3, 57-72, 2018
Salinity tolerances and use of saline environments by freshwater turtles: implications of sea level rise
M Agha, JR Ennen, DS Bower, AJ Nowakowski, SC Sweat, BD Todd
Biological Reviews 93 (3), 1634-1648, 2018
Wind, sun, and wildlife: do wind and solar energy development ‘short-circuit’conservation in the western United States?
M Agha, JE Lovich, JR Ennen, BD Todd
Environmental Research Letters 15 (7), 075004, 2020
Does the timing of attainment of maturity influence sexual size dimorphism and adult sex ratio in turtles?
JE Lovich, JW Gibbons, M Agha
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112 (1), 142-149, 2014
Macroecological patterns of sexual size dimorphism in turtles of the world
M Agha, JR Ennen, AJ Nowakowski, JE Lovich, SC Sweat, BD Todd
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31 (3), 336-345, 2018
Mammalian mesocarnivore visitation at tortoise burrows in a wind farm
M Agha, AL Smith, JE Lovich, D Delaney, JR Ennen, J Briggs, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 81 (6), 1117-1124, 2017
Not putting all their eggs in one basket: bet-hedging despite extraordinary annual reproductive output of desert tortoises
JE Lovich, JR Ennen, CB Yackulic, K Meyer-Wilkins, M Agha, C Loughran, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 115 (2), 399-410, 2015
Turbines and terrestrial vertebrates: variation in tortoise survivorship between a wind energy facility and an adjacent undisturbed wildland area in the desert southwest (USA)
M Agha, JE Lovich, JR Ennen, B Augustine, TR Arundel, MO Murphy, ...
Environmental Management 56, 332-341, 2015
Climatic variation affects clutch phenology in Agassiz’s desert tortoise Gopherus agassizii
J Lovich, M Agha, M Meulblok, K Meyer, J Ennen, C Loughran, S Madrak, ...
Endangered Species Research 19 (1), 63-74, 2012
Climate change and collapsing thermal niches of Mexican endemic reptiles
B Sinervo, RA Lara Reséndiz, DB Miles, JE Lovich, JR Ennen, J Müller, ...
Using motion-sensor camera technology to infer seasonal activity and thermal niche of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)
M Agha, B Augustine, JE Lovich, D Delaney, B Sinervo, MO Murphy, ...
Journal of Thermal Biology 49, 119-126, 2015
Mass mortality of eastern box turtles with upper respiratory disease following atypical cold weather
M Agha, SJ Price, AJ Nowakowski, B Augustine, BD Todd
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 124 (2), 91-100, 2017
Turtle biogeography: Global regionalization and conservation priorities
JR Ennen, M Agha, SC Sweat, WA Matamoros, JE Lovich, AGJ Rhodin, ...
Biological Conservation 241, 108323, 2020
Hierarchical, quantitative biogeographic provinces for all North American turtles and their contribution to the biogeography of turtles and the continent
JR Ennen, WA Matamoros, M Agha, JE Lovich, SC Sweat, CW Hoagstrom
Herpetological Monographs 31 (1), 142-168, 2017
Nest-guarding by female Agassiz's desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) at a wind-energy facility near Palm Springs, California
M Agha, JE Lovich, JR Ennen, E Wilcox
The Southwestern Naturalist 58 (2), 254-257, 2013
Harnessing cross-border resources to confront climate change
O Aburto-Oropeza, AF Johnson, M Agha, EB Allen, MF Allen, JA González, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 87, 128-132, 2018
The effects of urbanization on body size of larval stream salamanders
MO Murphy, M Agha, TA Maigret, SJ Price, ME Dorcas
Urban ecosystems 19, 275-286, 2016
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