Svein Arild Vis
Svein Arild Vis
在 uit.no 的电子邮件经过验证
Participation and health–a research review of child participation in planning and decision‐making
SA Vis, A Strandbu, A Holtan, N Thomas
Child & Family Social Work 16 (3), 325-335, 2011
Obstacles for child participation in care and protection cases—why Norwegian social workers find it difficult
SA Vis, A Holtan, N Thomas
Child abuse review 21 (1), 7-23, 2012
Beyond talking–children's participation in Norwegian care and protection cases: Ikke bare snakk–barns deltakelse i Norske barnevernssaker
SA Vis, N Thomas
European Journal of Social Work 12 (2), 155-168, 2009
Organizational factors and child participation in decision‐making: Differences between two child welfare organizations
SA Vis, S Fossum
Child & family social work 20 (3), 277-287, 2015
Placement disruption in long-term kinship and nonkinship foster care
A Holtan, BH Handegård, R Thørnblad, SA Vis
Children and Youth Services Review 35 (7), 1087-1094, 2013
Representation of children's views in court hearings about custody and parental visitations—A comparison between what children wanted and what the courts ruled
SA Vis, S Fossum
Children and youth services review 35 (12), 2101-2109, 2013
Factors that determine decision making in child protection investigations: A review of the literature
C Lauritzen, SA Vis, S Fossum
Child & Family Social Work 23 (4), 743-756, 2018
Social functioning and mental health among children who have been living in kinship and non‐kinship foster care: Results from an 8‐year follow‐up with a N orwegian sample
SA Vis, BH Handegård, A Holtan, S Fossum, R Thørnblad
Child & Family Social Work 21 (4), 557-567, 2016
A meta-analysis of long-term outpatient treatment effects for children and adolescents with conduct problems
S Fossum, BH Handegård, F Adolfsen, SA Vis, R Wynn
Journal of Child and Family Studies 25, 15-29, 2016
Barns deltakelse i barnevernssaker
A Strandbu, SA Vis
Tromsø, Barnevernets utviklingssenter i Nord-Norge, 2008
Do frequency of visits with birth parents impact children’s mental health and parental stress in stable foster care settings
S Fossum, SA Vis, A Holtan
Cogent Psychology 5 (1), 1429350, 2018
Samtaler med barn i barnevernet
SA Vis
Samhandling mellom barnevern og psykisk helsevern for barn og unge–en litteraturgjennomgang
S Fossum, C Lauritzen, SAM Vis, A Ottosen, KB Rustad
Tidsskriftet Norges barnevern 92 (4), 282-297, 2015
Statusrapport om barnevernets undersøkelsesarbeid-høsten 2014
SA Vis, A Storvold, D Skilbred, Ø Christiansen, A Andersen
Tromsø: RKBU Nord Oppsummering av hovedtrekkene i forskningslitteraturen, 2014
Factors that determine children’s participation in child welfare decision making.
SA Vis
UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 2015
Systematic approaches to assessment in child protection investigations: A literature review
SA Vis, C Lauritzen, S Fossum
International Social Work 64 (3), 325-340, 2021
Barnevernets undersøkelsesarbeid–fra bekymring til beslutning
SA Vis, Ø Christiansen, KJS Havnen, C Lauritzen, AC Iversen, T Tjelflaat
Samlede resultater og anbefalinger, 2020
Barnets deltakelse i beslutningene
A Strandbu, SA Vis
B. Kojan, H & Ø. Christiansen (Eds.), Beslutnigner i barnevernet, 144-161, 2016
Factors that determine children’s participation in child welfare decision making. From consultation to collaboration
SA Vis
The Arctic University of Norway, 2014
Barnevernets undersøkelsesarbeid-fra bekymring til beslutning. Samlede resultater og anbefalinger
SA Vis, Ø Christiansen, KJS Havnen, C Lauritzen, AC Iversen, T Tjelflaat
Uit Norges Arktiske Universitet, 2020
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