Losses from horizontal merger: the effects of an exogenous change in industry structure on Cournot-Nash equilibrium SW Salant, S Switzer, RJ Reynolds The Quarterly Journal of Economics 98 (2), 185-199, 1983 | 2078 | 1983 |
Market anticipations of government policies and the price of gold SW Salant, DW Henderson Journal of political economy 86 (4), 627-648, 1978 | 807 | 1978 |
Exhaustible resources and industrial structure: A Nash-Cournot approach to the world oil market SW Salant Journal of Political Economy 84 (5), 1079-1093, 1976 | 524 | 1976 |
Search theory and duration data: a theory of sorts SW Salant The Quarterly Journal of Economics 91 (1), 39-57, 1977 | 427 | 1977 |
Hotelling under pressure ST Anderson, R Kellogg, SW Salant Journal of Political Economy 126 (3), 984-1026, 2018 | 387 | 2018 |
Durable-goods monopoly with discrete demand M Bagnoli, SW Salant, JE Swierzbinski Journal of Political Economy 97 (6), 1459-1478, 1989 | 257 | 1989 |
Unequal treatment of identical agents in Cournot equilibrium SW Salant, G Shaffer American Economic Review 89 (3), 585-604, 1999 | 243 | 1999 |
Optimal asymmetric strategies in research joint ventures SW Salant, G Shaffer International Journal of Industrial Organization 16 (2), 195-208, 1998 | 237 | 1998 |
The vulnerability of price stabilization schemes to speculative attack SW Salant Journal of Political Economy 91 (1), 1-38, 1983 | 225 | 1983 |
Willpower and the optimal control of visceral urges E Ozdenoren, SW Salant, D Silverman Journal of the European Economic Association 10 (2), 342-368, 2012 | 175 | 2012 |
Uniqueness of Cournot equilibrium: new results from old methods G Gaudet, SW Salant The Review of Economic Studies 58 (2), 399-404, 1991 | 168 | 1991 |
When is inducing self-selection suboptimal for a monopolist? SW Salant The Quarterly Journal of Economics 104 (2), 391-397, 1989 | 163 | 1989 |
Preemptive patenting and the persistence of monopoly: comment SW Salant The American Economic Review 74 (1), 247-250, 1984 | 155 | 1984 |
Increasing the profits of a subset of firms in oligopoly models with strategic substitutes G Gaudet, SW Salant The American Economic Review 81 (3), 658-665, 1991 | 153 | 1991 |
Intertemporal depletion of resource sites by spatially distributed users G Gaudet, M Moreaux, SW Salant American Economic Review 91 (4), 1149-1159, 2001 | 128 | 2001 |
Imperfect competition in the international energy market: a computerized Nash-Cournot model SW Salant Operations research 30 (2), 252-280, 1982 | 119 | 1982 |
For sale by owner: When to use a broker and how to price the house SW Salant The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 4, 157-173, 1991 | 117 | 1991 |
What ails the European Union׳ s emissions trading system? SW Salant Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 80, 6-19, 2016 | 115 | 2016 |
The economics of mutualisms: Optimal utilization of mycorrhizal mutualistic partners by plants M Kummel, SW Salant Ecology 87 (4), 892-902, 2006 | 108 | 2006 |
The welfare costs of unreliable water service B Baisa, LW Davis, SW Salant, W Wilcox Journal of Development Economics 92 (1), 1-12, 2010 | 86 | 2010 |