Active fault database of Turkey Ö Emre, TY Duman, S Özalp, F Şaroğlu, Ş Olgun, H Elmacı, T Çan Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16 (8), 3229-3275, 2018 | 406 | 2018 |
Active fault map of Turkey F Şaroğlu, Ö Emre, İ Kuşçu General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara, Turkey 2, 1992 | 386 | 1992 |
The East Anatolian Fault: geometry, segmentation and jog characteristics TY Duman, Ö Emre Geological Society, London, Special Publications 372 (1), 495-529, 2013 | 338 | 2013 |
Türkiye’nin diri fayları ve depremsellikleri F Şaroğlu, Ö Emre, A Boray MTA. Rap 394, 1987 | 260 | 1987 |
Active fault map of Turkey with explanatory text Ö Emre, TY Duman, S Özalp, H Elmacı, Ş Olgun, F Şaroğlu General directorate of mineral research and exploration special publication …, 2013 | 258 | 2013 |
Türki̇ye diri fay hari̇tasi Turkey. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü. Kartografya Servisince, ... General Directorate of Mineral Research and exploration, 1992 | 184 | 1992 |
Landslide inventory of northwestern Anatolia, Turkey TY Duman, T Çan, Ö Emre, M Keçer, A Doğan, Ş Ateş, S Durmaz Engineering geology 77 (1-2), 99-114, 2005 | 166 | 2005 |
Is the abrupt drowning of the Black Sea shelf at 7150 yr BP a myth? N Görür, MN Çaǧatay, Ö Emre, B Alpar, M Sakınç, Y İslamoğlu, O Algan, ... Marine Geology 176 (1-4), 65-73, 2001 | 132 | 2001 |
Açıklamalı Türkiye Diri Fay Haritası, Ölçek 1: 1.250. 000 M Üzer, Ö Emre, TY Duman, S Özalp, H Elmacı, Ş Olgun, F Şaroğlu Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, 2013 | 129 | 2013 |
Sea-level changes and depositional environments in the Izmit Gulf, eastern Marmara Sea, during the late glacial–Holocene period MN Çağatay, N Görür, A Polonia, E Demirbağ, M Sakınç, MH Cormier, ... Marine Geology 202 (3-4), 159-173, 2003 | 118 | 2003 |
İzmir yakın çevresinin diri fayları ve deprem potansiyelleri Ö Emre, S Özalp, A Doğan, V Özaksoy, C Yıldırım, F Göktaş MTA rapor 10754, 1-80, 2005 | 112 | 2005 |
1: 250.000 Ölçekli Türkiye Diri Fay Haritası Serisi Ö Emre, TY Duman, Ş Olgun, H Elmacı, S Özalp Antakya (NJ 37-13) Paftası Serisi, 2012 | 110 | 2012 |
An improved earthquake catalogue (M ≥ 4.0) for Turkey and its near vicinity (1900–2012) FT Kadirioğlu, RF Kartal, T Kılıç, D Kalafat, TY Duman, T Eroğlu Azak, ... Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 3317-3338, 2018 | 99 | 2018 |
1: 250.000 scale active fault map series of Turkey, Afyon (NJ 36-5) Quadrangle Ö Emre, TY Duman, S Özalp, Ş Olgun, H Elmacı General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration;(Serial number: 16 …, 2011 | 91 | 2011 |
North Anatolian Fault in the Gulf of Izmit (Turkey): Rapid vertical motion in response to minor bends of a nonvertical continental transform MH Cormier, L Seeber, CMG McHugh, A Polonia, N Çagatay, Ö Emre, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 111 (B4), 2006 | 89 | 2006 |
Seismotectonic database of Turkey TY Duman, T Çan, Ö Emre, FT Kadirioğlu, N Başarır Baştürk, T Kılıç, ... Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 3277-3316, 2018 | 88 | 2018 |
Slip distribution, fault geometry, and fault segmentation of the 1944 Bolu-Gerede earthquake rupture, North Anatolian Fault, Turkey H Kondo, Y Awata, O Emre, A Dogan, S Ozalp, F Tokay, C Yıldırım, ... Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 95 (4), 1234-1249, 2005 | 79 | 2005 |
Doğu Marmara bölgesinin neojen-kuvaternerdeki evrimi Ö Emre, T Erkal, A Tchepalyga, N Kazancı, M Keçer, E Ünay MTA dergisi 120, 233-258, 1998 | 79 | 1998 |
Neogene-Quaternary evolution of the eastern Marmara region, northwest Turkey Ö Emre, T Erkal, A Tchepalyga, N Kazancı, M Keçer, E Ünay Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 120 (120), 119-145, 1998 | 77 | 1998 |
Isparta büklümü’nün kuzey kesiminde Doğu-Batı daralma için bazı veriler A Boray, F Şaroğlu, Ö Emre Jeoloji Mühendisliği 23, 9-20, 1985 | 74 | 1985 |