Eva Wimmer
Eva Wimmer
其他姓名Eva Neuhaus
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, TU Dortmund University
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Deficits in comprehending wh-questions in children with hearing loss–the contribution of phonological short-term memory and syntactic complexity
M Penke, E Wimmer
Clinical linguistics & phonetics 32 (3), 267-284, 2018
Verbal short-term memory and sentence comprehension in German children and adolescents with Down syndrome: Beware of the task
M Penke, E Wimmer
First language 40 (4), 367-389, 2020
Inflectional morphology in German hearing-impaired children
M Penke, E Wimmer, J Hennies, M Hess, M Rothweiler
Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 41 (1), 9-26, 2016
Testing the phonemes relevant for German verb morphology in hard-of-hearing children: The FinKon-test
J Hennies, M Penke, M Rothweiler, E Wimmer, M Hess
Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 37 (2), 83-93, 2012
Syntactic Problems in German Individuals with Down Syndrome: Evidence from the Production of Wh-Questions
E Wimmer, B Witecy, M Penke
New trends in language acquisition within the generative perspective, 141-163, 2020
Acquisition of who-question comprehension in German children with hearing loss
E Wimmer, M Rothweiler, M Penke
Journal of Communication Disorders 67, 35-48, 2017
The acquisition of verbal morphology in German children with hearing impairment–a comparison between children treated with hearing-aids and children with CI
A Einholz, E Wimmer, J Hennies, M Rothweiler, M Penke
Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on the Education of the Deaf …, 2015
Die syntaktischen Fähigkeiten von Wernicke-Aphasikern–eine experimentelle Studie
E Wimmer
Anmerkungen zu George Lakoff'On Generative Semantics' und'Linguistics and Natural Logic'
J Bechert, W Mayerthaler, B Schwischay, E Wimmer
Münchener Papiere zur Linguistik 1, 55-68, 1971
Morphosyntactic development in German-speaking individuals with Down syndrome—longitudinal data
B Witecy, E Wimmer, I Neitzel, M Penke
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1118659, 2023
Wen kämmt der Junge?-Eine Studie zum Verständnis von w-Fragen bei Kindern mit Down-Syndrom
E Wimmer, M Penke
Forschung Sprache 5 (2), 114-128, 2017
Irregularity in inflectional morphology–where language deficits strike
M Penke, E Wimmer
Irregularity in morphology (and beyond), 101-123, 2012
The comprehension of wh-questions and passives in German children and adolescents with Down syndrome
E Wimmer, M Penke
Typical and impaired processing in morphosyntax 64, 279, 2020
Comprehension of who questions in German children with hearing impairment
E Wimmer, M Rothweiler, J Hennies, M Hess, M Penke
Proceedings of Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, 584-603, 2013
Frag mal, wer…! Produktion von w-Fragen bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen mit Down-Syndrom* Ask, who…! The production of wh-questions in children, adolescents and …
E Wimmer, B Witecy, M Penke
Forschung Sprache 9, 132-50, 2021
DFG-Projekt zum Spracherwerb schwerhöriger Kinder
J Hennies, M Penke, M Rothweiler, E Wimmer, M Hess
Otology 24, 2-6, 2010
Bildungssprache im Grundschulalter: Relevanz von vorschulischem Wortschatz, Grammatik und Arbeitsgedächtnis für die weitere bildungssprachliche Entwicklung bei Kindern der …
E Wimmer, AL Scherger, U Ritterfeld
Forum Logopadie 36 (5), 2022
Non-word-repetition in hearing impaired children: The influence of word length, syllable complexity and syllable position
J Hennies, M Penke, E Wimmer, M Hess, M Rothweiler
Language acquisition and development: Proceedings of GALA, 171-189, 2013
Neues DFG-Projekt erforscht den Spracherwerb bei schwerhörigen Kindern
E Wimmer, J Hennies, M Hess, M Penke, M Rothweiler
Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 58 (6), 440-455, 2009
Working Memory Skills in DLD: Does Bilingualism Make a Difference?
E Wimmer, AL Scherger
Languages 7 (4), 287, 2022
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