Jae Hyun Lee
Jae Hyun Lee
其他姓名Lee, Jae Hyun, 이 재현
Assistant Professor of Geography, Kyungpook National University
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Exploring electric vehicle charging patterns: Mixed usage of charging infrastructure
JH Lee, D Chakraborty, SJ Hardman, G Tal
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 79, 102249, 2020
Who is buying electric vehicles in California? Characterising early adopter heterogeneity and forecasting market diffusion
JH Lee, SJ Hardman, G Tal
Energy Research & Social Science 55, 218-226, 2019
Demand drivers for charging infrastructure-charging behavior of plug-in electric vehicle commuters
D Chakraborty, DS Bunch, JH Lee, G Tal
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 76, 255-272, 2019
An in-depth examination of electric vehicle incentives: Consumer heterogeneity and changing response over time
A Jenn, JH Lee, S Hardman, G Tal
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 132, 97-109, 2020
Activity Space Estimation with Longitudinal Observations of Social Media Data
JH Lee, A Davis, SY Yoon, KG Goulias
Transportation 43 (6), 955-977, 2016
Can Twitter data be used to validate travel demand models?
JH Lee, S Gao, G Konstadinos
The 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, UK …, 2015
How do drivers use automation? Insights from a survey of partially automated vehicle owners in the United States
S Hardman, JH Lee, G Tal
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 129, 246-256, 2019
Advanced Plug-in Electric Vehicle Travel and Charging Behavior-Final Report
G Tal, S Raghavan, V Karanam, M Favetti, K Sutton, JH Lee, C Nitta, ...
California Air Resources Board Contract, 12-319, 2020
Triggers of behavioral change: Longitudinal analysis of travel behavior, household composition and spatial characteristics of the residence
JH Lee, AW Davis, KG Goulias
Journal of choice modelling 24, 4-21, 2017
A decade of dynamics of residential location, car ownership, activity, travel and land use in the Seattle metropolitan region
JH Lee, KG Goulias
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 114 (Part B), 272-287, 2018
Comparing the origin-destination matrices from travel demand model and social media data
JH Lee, S Gao, KG Goulias
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2016
Observed charging rates in California
G Tal, JH Lee, MA Nicholas
Exploring Daily Rhythms of Interpersonal Contacts: Time-of-Day Dynamics of Human Interactions with Latent Class Cluster Analysis
JH Lee, A Davis, SY Yoon, KG Goulias
Transportation Research Record 2666 (1), 58-68, 2017
Incorporating Land Use into Methods of Synthetic Population Generation and of Transfer of Behavioral Data
EC McBride, AW Davis, JH Lee, KG Goulias
Transportation Research Record 2668 (1), 11-20, 2017
Behavioural micro-dynamics of car ownership and travel in the Seattle metropolitan region from 1989 to 2002
E McBride, JH Lee, AM Lundberg, AW Davis, KG Goulias
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 16 (4), 2016
Factors Affecting Demand for Plug-in Charging Infrastructure: An Analysis of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Commuters
G Tal, D Chakraborty, A Jenn, JH Lee, D Bunch
Statewide Comparison of Origin-Destination Matrices Between California Travel Model and Twitter
JH Lee, A Davis, E McBride, KG Goulias
Mobility Patterns, Big Data and Transport Analytics, 201-228, 2019
Where are Used Electric Vehicles and Who are the Buyers?
G Tal, JH Lee, D Chakraborty, A Davis
Exploratory Analysis of the Relationships Among Long Distance Travel, Sense of Place, and Subjective Well-Being of College Students
JH Lee, AW Davis, KG Goulias
Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, 2015
Do plug-in hybrid adopters switch to battery electric vehicles (and vice versa)?
JH Lee, M Cho, G Tal, S Hardman
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 119, 103752, 2023
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