Silvia Paola Caminiti
Silvia Paola Caminiti
Assistant Professor
在 unipv.it 的电子邮件经过验证
FDG-PET and CSF biomarker accuracy in prediction of conversion to different dementias in a large multicentre MCI cohort
SP Caminiti, T Ballarini, A Sala, C Cerami, L Presotto, R Santangelo, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 18, 167-177, 2018
Axonal damage and loss of connectivity in nigrostriatal and mesolimbic dopamine pathways in early Parkinson's disease
SP Caminiti, L Presotto, D Baroncini, V Garibotto, RM Moresco, L Gianolli, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 14, 734-740, 2017
Cross-validation of biomarkers for the early differential diagnosis and prognosis of dementia in a clinical setting
D Perani, C Cerami, SP Caminiti, R Santangelo, E Coppi, L Ferrari, ...
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 43, 499-508, 2016
Brain glucose metabolism in Lewy body dementia: implications for diagnostic criteria
SP Caminiti, A Sala, L Iaccarino, L Beretta, A Pilotto, L Gianolli, ...
Alzheimer's research & therapy 11, 1-14, 2019
Altered brain metabolic connectivity at multiscale level in early Parkinson’s disease
A Sala, SP Caminiti, L Presotto, E Premi, A Pilotto, R Turrone, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 4256, 2017
Metabolic connectomics targeting brain pathology in dementia with Lewy bodies
SP Caminiti, M Tettamanti, A Sala, L Presotto, S Iannaccone, SF Cappa, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 37 (4), 1311-1325, 2017
Single-subject SPM FDG-PET patterns predict risk of dementia progression in Parkinson disease
A Pilotto, E Premi, S Paola Caminiti, L Presotto, R Turrone, A Alberici, ...
Neurology 90 (12), e1029-e1037, 2018
The combined effects of microglia activation and brain glucose hypometabolism in early-onset Alzheimer’s disease
G Tondo, L Iaccarino, SP Caminiti, L Presotto, R Santangelo, ...
Alzheimer's research & therapy 12, 1-10, 2020
Affective mentalizing and brain activity at rest in the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia
SP Caminiti, N Canessa, C Cerami, A Dodich, C Crespi, S Iannaccone, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 9, 484-497, 2015
The emerging role of PET imaging in dementia
L Iaccarino, A Sala, SP Caminiti, D Perani
F1000Research 6, 2017
Mitochondrial complex 1, sigma 1, and synaptic vesicle 2A in early drug‐naive Parkinson's disease
H Wilson, G Pagano, ER de Natale, A Mansur, SP Caminiti, S Polychronis, ...
Movement Disorders 35 (8), 1416-1427, 2020
Evaluation of an optimized [18F]fluoro‐deoxy‐glucose positron emission tomography voxel‐wise method to early support differential diagnosis in atypical …
SP Caminiti, P Alongi, L Majno, MA Volontè, C Cerami, L Gianolli, G Comi, ...
European Journal of Neurology 24 (5), 687-e26, 2017
Validation of 18F–FDG-PET Single-Subject Optimized SPM Procedure with Different PET Scanners
L Presotto, T Ballarini, SP Caminiti, V Bettinardi, L Gianolli, D Perani
Neuroinformatics 15, 151-163, 2017
In vivo human molecular neuroimaging of dopaminergic vulnerability along the Alzheimer’s disease phases
A Sala, SP Caminiti, L Presotto, A Pilotto, C Liguori, A Chiaravalloti, ...
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 13, 1-12, 2021
The brain metabolic signature of visual hallucinations in dementia with Lewy bodies
L Iaccarino, A Sala, SP Caminiti, R Santangelo, S Iannaccone, G Magnani, ...
Cortex 108, 13-24, 2018
CSF p-tau/Aβ42 ratio and brain FDG-PET may reliably detect MCI “imminent” converters to AD
R Santangelo, F Masserini, F Agosta, A Sala, SP Caminiti, G Cecchetti, ...
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 47, 3152-3164, 2020
Brain connectomics: time for a molecular imaging perspective?
A Sala, A Lizarraga, SP Caminiti, VD Calhoun, SB Eickhoff, C Habeck, ...
Trends in cognitive sciences 27 (4), 353-366, 2023
Disease-related patterns of in vivo pathology in Corticobasal syndrome
F Niccolini, H Wilson, S Hirschbichler, T Yousaf, G Pagano, A Whittington, ...
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 45, 2413-2425, 2018
Association of microglial activation with spontaneous ARIA-E and CSF levels of anti-Aβ autoantibodies
F Piazza, SP Caminiti, M Zedde, L Presotto, JC DiFrancesco, ...
Neurology 99 (12), e1265-e1277, 2022
In vivo MRI structural and PET metabolic connectivity study of dopamine pathways in Alzheimer’s disease
L Iaccarino, A Sala, SP Caminiti, L Presotto, D Perani, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 75 (3), 1003-1016, 2020
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