Olle Calles
Olle Calles
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Connectivity is a two‐way street—the need for a holistic approach to fish passage problems in regulated rivers
O Calles, L Greenberg
River Research and Applications 25 (10), 1268-1286, 2009
APPLIED ISSUES: Size‐dependent mortality of migratory silver eels at a hydropower plant, and implications for escapement to the sea
O Calles, IC Olsson, C Comoglio, PS Kemp, L Blunden, M Schmitz, ...
Freshwater Biology 55 (10), 2167-2180, 2010
Evaluating technical improvements for downstream migrating diadromous fish at a hydroelectric plant
O Calles, S Karlsson, M Hebrand, C Comoglio
Ecological Engineering 48, 30-37, 2012
Migratory delay leads to reduced passage success of Atlantic salmon smolts at a hydroelectric dam
D Nyqvist, LA Greenberg, E Goerig, O Calles, E Bergman, WR Ardren, ...
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 26 (4), 707-718, 2017
Response of downstream migrating adult European eels (Anguilla anguilla) to bar racks under experimental conditions
IJ Russon, PS Kemp, O Calles
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19 (2), 197-205, 2010
Success of a low‐sloping rack for improving downstream passage of silver eels at a hydroelectric plant
O Calles, S Karlsson, P Vezza, C Comoglio, J Tielman
Freshwater Biology 58 (10), 2168-2179, 2013
Upstream and downstream passage of migrating adult Atlantic salmon: Remedial measures improve passage performance at a hydropower dam
D Nyqvist, PA Nilsson, I Alenäs, J Elghagen, M Hebrand, S Karlsson, ...
Ecological Engineering 102, 331-343, 2017
Modelling habitat requirements of bullhead (Cottus gobio) in Alpine streams
P Vezza, P Parasiewicz, O Calles, M Spairani, C Comoglio
Aquatic sciences 76, 1-15, 2014
Experimental hydraulics on fish-friendly trash-racks: an ecological approach
M Szabo-Meszaros, CU Navaratnam, J Aberle, AT Silva, T Forseth, ...
Ecological Engineering 113, 11-20, 2018
Macroinvertebrate colonization of a nature-like fishway: The effects of adding habitat heterogeneity
S Gustafsson, M Österling, J Skurdal, LD Schneider, O Calles
Ecological engineering 61, 345-353, 2013
A historical perspective on downstream passage at hydroelectric plants in Swedish rivers
O Calles, P Rivinoja, L Greenberg
Ecohydraulics: An integrated approach, 309-322, 2013
The effects of ration size on migration by hatchery‐raised Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta)
L Lans, LA Greenberg, J Karlsson, O Calles, M Schmitz, E Bergman
Ecology of freshwater fish 20 (4), 548-557, 2011
Climbing the ladder: an evaluation of three different anguillid eel climbing substrata and placement of upstream passage solutions at migration barriers
J Watz, PA Nilsson, E Degerman, C Tamario, O Calles
Animal Conservation 22 (5), 452-462, 2019
Temporal and spatial variation in quality of hyporheic water in one unregulated and two regulated boreal rivers
O Calles, L Nyberg, L Greenberg
River Research and Applications 23 (8), 829-842, 2007
Post‐Spawning Survival and Downstream Passage of Landlocked Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in a Regulated River: Is There Potential for Repeat Spawning?
D Nyqvist, O Calles, E Bergman, A Hagelin, LA Greenberg
River Research and Applications 32 (5), 1008-1017, 2016
Anordningar för upp-och nedströmspassage av fisk vid vattenanläggningar: Underlag till vägledning om lämpliga försiktighetsmått och bästa möjliga teknik för vattenkraft
O Calles, E Degerman, H Wickström, J Christiansson, S Gustafsson, ...
Havs-och vattenmyndigheten, 2013
Coastal river connectivity and the distribution of ascending juvenile European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.): Implications for conservation strategies regarding fish …
C Tamario, O Calles, J Watz, PA Nilsson, E Degerman
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29 (4), 612-622, 2019
Downstream migration and multiple dam passage by Atlantic salmon smolts
D Nyqvist, SD McCormick, L Greenberg, WR Ardren, E Bergman, O Calles, ...
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37 (4), 816-828, 2017
An angled rack with a bypass and a nature-like fishway pass Atlantic salmon smolts downstream at a hydropower dam
D Nyqvist, J Elghagen, M Heiss, O Calles
Marine and Freshwater Research 69 (12), 1894-1904, 2018
Ice cover alters the behavior and stress level of brown trout Salmo trutta
J Watz, E Bergman, O Calles, Å Enefalk, S Gustafsson, A Hagelin, ...
Behavioral ecology 26 (3), 820-827, 2015
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