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Facies and environmental setting of the Miocene coral reefs in the late-orogenic fill of the Antalya Basin, western Taurides, Turkey: implications for tectonic control and sea … M Karabıyıkoğlu, S Tuzcu, A Çiner, M Deynoux, S Örçen, A Hakyemez Sedimentary geology 173 (1-4), 345-371, 2005 | 95 | 2005 |
Tectonosedimentary evolution of the Miocene Manavgat Basin, western Taurides, Turkey M Karabiyikoğlu, A Çiner, O Monod, M Deynoux, S Tuzcu, S Örçen Geological Society, London, Special Publications 173 (1), 271-294, 2000 | 73 | 2000 |
Dating, geochemistry and geodynamic significance of the Tertiary magmatism of the Biga Peninsula, NW Turkey P Birkle, M Satir, A Erler, T Ercan, E Bingol, S Orcen Geology of the Black Sea Region: Ankara, Turkey, Mineral Research and …, 1995 | 50 | 1995 |
A geological revision of İnebolu, Devrekani, Ağlı and Küre areas: new observations in Paleo-Tethys–Neo-Tethys sedimentary successions M Aydın, O Demir, Y Özçelik, N Terzioğlu, M Satır, A Erler, T Ercan, ... Geology of the Black Sea region: Ankara, Turkey, General Directorate of …, 1995 | 45 | 1995 |
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