Process mining manifesto W Van Der Aalst, A Adriansyah, AKA De Medeiros, F Arcieri, T Baier, ... Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2011 International Workshops …, 2012 | 1888 | 2012 |
How much language is enough? Theoretical and practical use of the business process modeling notation M Muehlen, J Recker Seminal Contributions to Information Systems Engineering: 25 Years of CAiSE …, 2013 | 660 | 2013 |
Workflow-based process controlling: foundation, design, and application of workflow-driven process information systems M Zur Muehlen Michael zur Muehlen, 2004 | 509 | 2004 |
Developing web services choreography standards—the case of REST vs. SOAP M Zur Muehlen, JV Nickerson, KD Swenson Decision support systems 40 (1), 9-29, 2005 | 409 | 2005 |
Organizational management in workflow applications–issues and perspectives M Zur Muehlen Information Technology and Management 5 (3), 271-291, 2004 | 328 | 2004 |
Modeling languages for business processes and business rules: A representational analysis M Zur Muehlen, M Indulska Information systems 35 (4), 379-390, 2010 | 294 | 2010 |
Integrating risks in business process models M Rosemann, M Zur Muehlen | 247 | 2005 |
Risk management in the BPM lifecycle M Muehlen, DTY Ho International Conference on Business Process Management, 454-466, 2005 | 217 | 2005 |
Business process analytics M Zur Mühlen, R Shapiro Handbook on business process management 2: strategic alignment, governance …, 2015 | 211 | 2015 |
Workflow-based process monitoring and controlling-technical and organizational issues M Zur Muehlen, M Rosemann Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2000 | 196 | 2000 |
The ecology of standards processes: insights from internet standard making JV Nickerson, M Muehlen Mis Quarterly, 467-488, 2006 | 148 | 2006 |
Resource modeling in workflow applications M Zur Muehlen Proceedings of the 1999 Workflow Management Conference 70, 137-153, 1999 | 124 | 1999 |
Evaluation of workflow management systems-a meta model approach M Rosemann, M Zur Muehlen Australian Journal of Information Systems 6 (1), 1998 | 112 | 1998 |
Business Process and Business Rule Modeling Languages for Compliance Management: A Representational Analysis. M Zur Muehlen, M Indulska, G Kamp ER (tutorials, posters, panels & industrial contributions) 83, 127-132, 2007 | 108* | 2007 |
Process-driven management information systems combining data warehouses and workflow technology M zur Muehlen Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research …, 2001 | 100 | 2001 |
Evaluation of workflow management systems using meta models M zur Muhlen Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems …, 1999 | 89 | 1999 |
Measuring method complexity: UML versus BPMN J Recker, M Zur Muehlen, K Siau, J Erickson, M Indulska Proceedings of the Fifteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, 1-9, 2009 | 87 | 2009 |
Service process innovation: a case study of BPMN in practice M zur Muehlen, DT Ho Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2008 | 84 | 2008 |
Integrating risks in business process models with value focused process engineering D Neiger, L Churilov, M Muehlen | 76 | 2006 |
Workflow application architectures: classification and characteristics of workflow-based information systems J Becker, M Zur Muehlen, M Gille Workflow handbook 2002, 39-50, 2002 | 76 | 2002 |