Lingjuan He
Lingjuan He
School of Life Sciences, Westlake University
在 westlake.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Lung regeneration by multipotent stem cells residing at the bronchioalveolar-duct junction
Q Liu, K Liu, G Cui, X Huang, S Yao, W Guo, Z Qin, Y Li, R Yang, W Pu, ...
Nature genetics 51 (4), 728-738, 2019
Enhancing the precision of genetic lineage tracing using dual recombinases
L He, Y Li, Y Li, W Pu, X Huang, X Tian, Y Wang, H Zhang, Q Liu, L Zhang, ...
Nature medicine 23 (12), 1488-1498, 2017
Genetic lineage tracing of nonmyocyte population by dual recombinases
Y Li, L He, X Huang, SI Bhaloo, H Zhao, S Zhang, W Pu, X Tian, Y Li, ...
Circulation 138 (8), 793-805, 2018
De novo formation of a distinct coronary vascular population in neonatal heart
X Tian, T Hu, H Zhang, L He, X Huang, Q Liu, W Yu, L He, Z Yang, Y Yan, ...
Science 345 (6192), 90-94, 2014
Subepicardial endothelial cells invade the embryonic ventricle wall to form coronary arteries
X Tian, T Hu, H Zhang, L He, X Huang, Q Liu, W Yu, L He, Z Yang, ...
Cell research 23 (9), 1075-1090, 2013
Preexisting endothelial cells mediate cardiac neovascularization after injury
L He, X Huang, O Kanisicak, Y Li, Y Wang, Y Li, W Pu, Q Liu, H Zhang, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 127 (8), 2968-2981, 2017
Yap1 is required for endothelial to mesenchymal transition of the atrioventricular cushion
H Zhang, A Von Gise, Q Liu, T Hu, X Tian, L He, W Pu, X Huang, L He, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (27), 18681-18692, 2014
Proliferation tracing reveals regional hepatocyte generation in liver homeostasis and repair
L He, W Pu, X Liu, Z Zhang, M Han, YI Li, X Huang, X Han, Y Li, K Liu, ...
Science 371 (6532), eabc4346, 2021
Thymosin beta 4 treatment after myocardial infarction does not reprogram epicardial cells into cardiomyocytes
B Zhou, LB Honor, Q Ma, JH Oh, RZ Lin, JM Melero-Martin, A von Gise, ...
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 52 (1), 43-47, 2012
In vivo AAV-CRISPR/Cas9–mediated gene editing ameliorates atherosclerosis in familial hypercholesterolemia
H Zhao, Y Li, L He, W Pu, W Yu, Y Li, YT Wu, C Xu, Y Wei, Q Ding, ...
Circulation 141 (1), 67-79, 2020
Genetic lineage tracing identifies in situ Kit-expressing cardiomyocytes
Q Liu, R Yang, X Huang, H Zhang, L He, L Zhang, X Tian, Y Nie, S Hu, ...
Cell research 26 (1), 119-130, 2016
Endocardium minimally contributes to coronary endothelium in the embryonic ventricular free walls
H Zhang, W Pu, G Li, X Huang, L He, X Tian, Q Liu, L Zhang, SM Wu, ...
Circulation research 118 (12), 1880-1893, 2016
Genetic targeting of sprouting angiogenesis using Apln-CreER
Q Liu, T Hu, L He, X Huang, X Tian, H Zhang, L He, W Pu, L Zhang, H Sun, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6020, 2015
Arterial Sca1+ vascular stem cells generate de novo smooth muscle for artery repair and regeneration
J Tang, H Wang, X Huang, F Li, H Zhu, Y Li, L He, H Zhang, W Pu, K Liu, ...
Cell stem cell 26 (1), 81-96. e4, 2020
Heart regeneration by endogenous stem cells and cardiomyocyte proliferation: controversy, fallacy, and progress
L He, NB Nguyen, R Ardehali, B Zhou
Circulation 142 (3), 275-291, 2020
Mfsd2a+ hepatocytes repopulate the liver during injury and regeneration
W Pu, H Zhang, X Huang, X Tian, L He, Y Wang, L Zhang, Q Liu, Y Li, Y Li, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13369, 2016
GATA4 regulates Fgf16 to promote heart repair after injury
W Yu, X Huang, X Tian, H Zhang, L He, Y Wang, Y Nie, S Hu, Z Lin, ...
Development 143 (6), 936-949, 2016
Genetic lineage tracing identifies endocardial origin of liver vasculature
H Zhang, W Pu, X Tian, X Huang, L He, Q Liu, Y Li, L Zhang, L He, K Liu, ...
Nature genetics 48 (5), 537-543, 2016
A suite of new Dre recombinase drivers markedly expands the ability to perform intersectional genetic targeting
X Han, Z Zhang, L He, H Zhu, Y Li, W Pu, M Han, H Zhao, K Liu, Y Li, ...
Cell stem cell 28 (6), 1160-1176. e7, 2021
Identification of a hybrid myocardial zone in the mammalian heart after birth
X Tian, Y Li, L He, H Zhang, X Huang, Q Liu, W Pu, L Zhang, Y Li, H Zhao, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 87, 2017
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