Philip P.W. Wong
Philip P.W. Wong
Senior Lecturer, Sunway University Malaysia
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Antecedents of green purchase behaviour: an examination of altruism and environmental knowledge
L Wang, PPW Wong, E Narayanan Alagas
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 14 (1), 63-82, 2020
The demographic impact of consumer green purchase intention toward green hotel selection in China
L Wang, PPW Wong, EA Narayanan
Tourism and Hospitality Research 20 (2), 210-222, 2020
the influence of destination competitiveness on customer-based brand equity
PPW Wong, K Teoh
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 4, 206-212, 2015
Green hotel selection of Chinese consumers: A planned behavior perspective
L Wang, PPW Wong, E Narayanan Alagas, WM Chee
Journal of China Tourism Research 15 (2), 192-212, 2019
Marketing of environmentally friendly hotels in China through religious segmentation: a theory of planned behaviour approach
L Wang, PPW Wong
Tourism Review 76 (5), 1164-1180, 2020
Travellers’ destination choice among university students in China amid COVID-19: extending the theory of planned behaviour
L Wang, PPW Wong, Q Zhang
Tourism Review 76 (4), 749-763, 2021
Purchase intention for green cars among Chinese millennials: merging the value–attitude–behavior theory and theory of planned behavior
L Wang, Q Zhang, PPW Wong
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 786292, 2022
Consumers’ intention to visit green hotels–a goal-framing theory perspective
L Wang, ZX Wang, Q Zhang, A Jebbouri, PPW Wong
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 30 (8), 1837-1857, 2022
role of components of destination competitiveness in the relationship between customer-based brand equity and destination loyalty
PPW Wong
Current Issues in Tourism, 25, 2015
The impact of tourists’ perceptions of space-launch tourism: An extension of the theory of planned behavior approach
L Wang, CF Fu, PP Wong, Q Zhang
Journal of China Tourism Research 18 (3), 549-568, 2022
Effect of prolonged political unrest on tourism.
A Soemodinoto, PP Wong, M Saleh
Annals of Tourism Research 28 (4), 1056-1060, 2001
Consumers’ green purchase intention to visit green hotels: A value-belief-norm theory perspective
CP Wang, Q Zhang, PPW Wong, L Wang
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1139116, 2023
competitiveness of Malaysian Destinations and its influence on destination loyalty
PPW Wong
Anatolia, an International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research 28 (2 …, 2017
A deeper understanding of attitude and norm applicable to green hotel selection
L Wang, YX Shao, JY Heng, Y Cheng, Y Xu, ZX Wang, PPW Wong
Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-33, 2023
The effect of social and personal norm on intention to patronize green hotels: Extension of theory of planned behavior
L Wang, Q Zhang, YY Ding, PPW Wong
Journal of China Tourism Research 19 (2), 311-334, 2023
Impact of familiarity and green image on satisfaction and loyalty among young green hotels’ guests–A developing country’s perspective
L Wang, Q Zhang, PPW Wong
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 899118, 2022
Consumer motivations, attitude and behavioral intention toward green hotel selection
L Wang, ZX Wang, PPW Wong, Q Zhang
Journal of Tourism, Culinary and Entrepreneurship 1 (2), 79-104, 2021
Adopting a network marketing model as a distribution channel for hotels in the Maldives: An exploratory study
A Wong, Philip P.W., Nasir
International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 2019
Use and perceptions of electronic cigarettes among young Chinese generation: expanding the theory of planned behaviour
L Wang, Q Zhang, MR Cao, PPW Wong
International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science (IJ …, 2022
The influence of customer-based brand equity on destination loyalty in Malaysian urban destinations
PPW Wong
Tourism Analysis 24 (2), 249-254, 2019
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