boumedyen shannaq
boumedyen shannaq
其他姓名Бумедьен Шаннак
University of Buraimi , college of Business
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Student relationship in higher education using data mining techniques
B Shannaq, Y Rafael, V Alexandro
Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology 10 (11), 54-59, 2010
Management Information System for Predicting Quantity Martials
B Shannaq, I Al Shamsi, S Nabhan
TEM Journal 8 (4), 1143-1149, 2020
Innovative algorithm for managing the number of clusters
B Shannaq, IR Al Shamsi, FJI AlAzzawi
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 8 (5), 310-315, 2020
The impact of the green learning on the students’ performance
B Shannaq, FJ Ibrahim, R Adebiaye
Asian Journal Of Computer Science And Information Technology 2 (7), 190-193, 2012
Hierarchy concept analysis in accounting ontology
B Shannaq, K Fatima
Asian Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology 2 (2), 13-20, 2012
Machine LearningModel -Ensuring Electronic Exam Quality using Mining Association Rules
B Shannaq
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. 3 (29), 12136 -12146, 2020
Using product similarity for adding business value and returning customers
B Shannaq, VV Alexandrov
Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology 10 (12), 32-38, 2010
A Security analysis to be technology architecture for ministry of regional municipalities and water resources (MRMWR)
shannaq Boumedyen
International journal of research in social sciences 6 (1), 01-06, 2017
Clustering tourism data for mapping oman as travel destination
B Shannaq, KF Sadriwala, FJI AlAzzawi
Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences 5 (11), 250, 2013
Adapt Clustering Methods for Arabic Documents
B Shannaq
American Journal of Information Systems 1 (DOI: 10.12691/ajis-1-1-4), 26-30, 2013
A critical analysis of student’s course selection system in higher education institutions and its effect on their performance
B Shannaq, K Sadriwala
Journal of Current Computer Science and Technology (ISSN: 2231-5411) 2 (2 …, 2012
Three-Sigma Scale Model for Measuring Student Interest in Social Media-Effective Tool for Improving the Educational Process in the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Period
boumedyen shannaq
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 3 (29), 13597 - 13609, 2020
Software Product Quality Management Methodology & the Quantitative Assessment of Analyzability Indicators
B Shannaq
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 8 (6 …, 2020
Innovative Web Service for Streaming Student Tweeting in Real-Time Technology
B Shannaq, I Al Shamsi
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering …, 2019
Fuzzy Analysis Model for Classifying Exams Questions in Learning Quality Management System Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs
BS Fouad Jameel Ibrahim AlAzzawi
REVISTA AUS 26 (4), 69-79, 2019
Schemes for distributed computing environment based on cloud computing technology for ministry of regional municipalities and water Resources (MRMWR)
AR Boumedyen, S
International journal of engineering inventions 6 (1), 01-06, 2017
Investigating the Distribution of Arabic and English Keywords and Their Progress Over Different Text File Formats
B Shannaq
American Journal of Computing Research Repository. 1 (1), 1-5, 2013
Methods and Algorithms for Searching Arabic Name Entity
B Shannaq
International Journal of Computer Applications 82 (8), 2013
Инфологический подход к разработке систем" обучение через развлечение"(edutainment)
ПП Кокорин, РА Колесников, НА Андреева, КВ Фролов, Ш Боумедин, ...
Информационно-измерительные и управляющие системы 7 (11), 42-48, 2009
Innovative Web Service Grammar for Streaming Computing in Real-Time Technology
B Shannaq
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering …, 2020
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