Sayyed Mehdi Ale-Emran
Sayyed Mehdi Ale-Emran
Researcher (Ph.D.)
在 uqac.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Modeling the combination of UPQC and photovoltaic arrays with Multi-Input Single-Output DC-DC converter
M Davari, SM Ale-Emran, H Yazdanpanahi, GB Gharehpetian
2009 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 1-7, 2009
Characteristic analysis of surface damage and bulk micro-cracks of SiR/SiO 2 nanocomposites caused by surface arc discharges
Y Liu, D Zhang, H Xu, SM Ale-Emran, BX Du
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 23 (4), 2102-2109, 2016
Flashover performance of ice-covered post insulators with booster sheds using experiments and partial arc modeling
SM Ale-Emran, M Farzaneh
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 23 (2), 979-986, 2016
Experimental Design of Booster-Shed Parameters for Post Insulators under Heavy Icing Conditions
SM Ale-Emran, M Farzaneh
Power Delivery, 2015
Numerical simulations of ice-covered EHV post station insulator performance equipped with booster sheds
C Volat, SMA Emran, M Farzaneh
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, 91-94, 2012
Parametric studies and improved hypothesis of booster-shed effects on post insulators under heavy icing conditions
SM Ale-Emran, M Farzaneh
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 22 (1), 420-427, 2015
Dynamic operation of a photovoltaic system connected to distribution system
SM Ale-Emran, M Abedi, GB Gharehpetian, R Noroozian
2008 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives …, 2008
Simulation analysis of the effect of booster sheds on post insulators under icing conditions
SMA Emran, M Farzaneh, C Volat
2012 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric …, 2012
Prediction of DC flashover voltage of cap‐and‐pin polluted insulator
A Abimouloud, S Arif, D Korichi, SM Ale‐Emran
IET Science, Measurement & Technology 13 (2), 279-286, 2019
Design of booster shed parameters for post insulators under heavy icing conditions using geometric modeling and the Taguchi method
SM Ale-Emran, M Farzaneh
IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 2015
Numerical analysis of the combined effects of booster sheds and grading rings on an ice-covered EHV ceramic post insulator
SM Ale-Emran, M Farzaneh
2013 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), 346-350, 2013
Dimensioning of booster sheds for icing protection of post station insulators
SM Ale-Emran, M Farzaneh
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 21 (6), 2576-2583, 2014
A novel approach to VFTO analysis of power transformers including FVL based on Detailed Model
M Davari, SM Aleemran, AR Mobarhani, H Nafisi, I Salabeigi, ...
2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 1-5, 2009
Design of booster shed parameters for improving the electrical performance of post insulators under icing conditions
SM Ale-Emran
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2013
Power factor improvement of DC/DC converter of micro-turbines
HR Baghaee, M Mirsalim, M Ale-Emran, M Abedi, GB Gharehpetian
RE&PQJ 6 (1), 2008
Voltage sag and unbalance mitigation in distribution systems using multi-level UPQC
HR Toodeji, N Farokhnia, SMA Emran, HA Abyaneh, SH Fathi
International Conference On Modelling And Simulation, MS’07, 3-5, 2007
Preventing Frequency Instability Using Large-Scale Photovoltaic Resources
S Yari, H Khoshkhoo, K Rouzbehi, SM Ale-Emran
2023 8th International Conference on Technology and Energy Management (ICTEM …, 2023
Determining Energy Storage Systems Capacity for Preventing Cascading Outages During Primary Control: A Dynamic Study
H Abbaspour, S Yari, E Asadi, H Khoshkhoo, SM Ale-Emran
2023 13th Smart Grid Conference (SGC), 1-6, 2023
A New Robust Control Strategy for Grid-Forming Voltage Source Converters,
JM Saeed Ouni, S. Mahdi Ale-Emran, S. Milad Hoseinizadeh, Houshang Karimi
IEEE PES General Meeting, 2023
Computer-aided design of booster shed parameters for protecting post insulators against effects of icing
SM Ale-Emran, M Farzaneh
CIGRÉ Canada Conference, At Toronto, Canada, 2014
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