Ruopu Li
Projected climate regime shift under future global warming from multi-model, multi-scenario CMIP5 simulations
S Feng, Q Hu, W Huang, CH Ho, R Li, Z Tang
Global and Planetary Change 112, 41-52, 2014
Modeling vulnerability of groundwater to pollution under future scenarios of climate change and biofuels-related land use change: A case study in North Dakota, USA
R Li, JW Merchant
Science of the total environment 447, 32-45, 2013
Is the just transition socially accepted? Energy history, place, and support for coal and solar in Illinois, Texas, and Vermont
J Crowe, R Li
Energy Research & Social Science 59, 101309, 2020
Assessing Nebraska playa wetland inundation status during 1985–2015 using Landsat data and Google Earth Engine
Z Tang, Y Li, Y Gu, W Jiang, Y Xue, Q Hu, T LaGrange, A Bishop, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 188, 1-14, 2016
A review on drone-based harmful algae blooms monitoring
D Wu, R Li, F Zhang, J Liu
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 191, 2019
A geospatial approach for prioritizing wind farm development in Northeast Nebraska, USA
A Miller, R Li
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 3 (3), 968-979, 2014
Landscape ecology development supported by geospatial technologies: A review
H Yu, X Liu, B Kong, R Li, G Wang
Ecological Informatics 51, 185-192, 2019
Evaluating climate and soil effects on regional soil moisture spatial variability using EOFs
T Wang, T Franz, R Li, J You, M Shulski, C Ray
Water Resources Research 53 (4), 4022–4035, 2017
Beyond big data: Social media challenges and opportunities for understanding social perception of energy
R Li, D Crowe, Jessica, Leifer, L Zou, J Schoof
Energy Research & Social Science 56, 101217, 2019
A geospatial modeling framework for assessing biofuels-related land-use and land-cover change
R Li, Q Guan, J Merchant
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 161, 17-26, 2012
A cyberGIS-enabled multi-criteria spatial decision support system: A case study on flood emergency management
Z Zhang, H Hu, D Yin, S Kashem, R Li, H Cai, D Perkins, S Wang
International Journal of Digital Earth 12 (11), 10.1080/17538947.2018.1543363, 2018
Can Managed Aquifer Recharge mitigate the groundwater overdraft in California’s Central Valley?
S Alam, M Gebremichael, R Li, J Dozier, DP Lettenmaier
Water Resources Research 56 (8), e2020WR027244, 2020
Estimating high-resolution groundwater storage from GRACE: A random forest approach
MM Rahaman, B Thakur, A Kalra, R Li, P Maheshwari
Environments 6 (6), 63, 2019
Climate change impacts on groundwater storage in the Central Valley, California
S Alam, J Gebremichael, Mekonnen, Li, Ruopu, Dozier, DP Lettenmaier
Climatic Change, 1-20, 2019
Challenges and Opportunities for Coping with the Smart Divide in Rural America
R Li, K Chen, D Wu
Smart Spaces and Places, 44, 2021
Challenges and Opportunities for Coping with the Smart Divide in Rural America
R Li, K Chen, D Wu
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 110 (2), 559-570, 2020
Examining locally driven climate change policy efforts in three Pacific states
Z Tang, SD Brody, R Li, C Quinn, N Zhao
Ocean & coastal management 54 (5), 415-426, 2011
Drainage structure datasets and effects on LiDAR-Derived surface flow modeling
R Li, Z Tang, X Li, J Winter
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2 (4), 1136-1152, 2013
Developing a restorable wetland index for rainwater basin wetlands in south-central Nebraska: A multi-criteria spatial analysis
Z Tang, X Li, N Zhao, R Li, EF Harvey
Wetlands 32, 975-984, 2012
Land use classification: A surface energy balance and vegetation index application to map and monitor irrigated lands
M Pun, D Mutiibwa, R Li
Remote Sensing 9 (12), 1256, 2017
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