Arda Sorman
Arda Sorman
Assoc. Prof.
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Using MODIS snow cover maps in modeling snowmelt runoff process in the eastern part of Turkey
AE Tekeli, Z Akyürek, AA Şorman, A Şensoy, AÜ Şorman
Remote Sensing of Environment 97 (2), 216-230, 2005
Modelling and forecasting snowmelt runoff process using the HBV model in the eastern part of Turkey
AA Şorman, A Şensoy, AE Tekeli, AÜ Şorman, Z Akyürek
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 23 (7), 1031-1040, 2009
Commentary on comparison of MODIS snow cover and albedo products with ground observations over the mountainous terrain of Turkey
AÜ Şorman, Z Akyürek, A Şensoy, AA Şorman, AE Tekeli
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 11 (4), 1353-1360, 2007
Modeling studies with HEC-HMS and runoff scenarios in Yuvacik Basin, Turkiye
MK Yener, AU Sorman, AA Sorman, A Sensoy, T Gezgin
Int. Congr. River Basin Manage 4 (2007), 621-634, 2007
Accuracy assessment of MODIS daily snow albedo retrievals with in situ measurements in Karasu basin, Turkey
AE Tekeli, A Şensoy, A Şorman, Z Akyürek, Ü Şorman
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 20 (4), 705-721, 2006
Streamflow Forecasting Using Different Neural Network Models with Satellite Data for a Snow Dominated Region in Turkey
G Uysal, AA Şorman, A Şensoy
Procedia Engineering 154, 1185-1192, 2016
Improving daily streamflow forecasts in mountainous Upper Euphrates basin by multi-layer perceptron model with satellite snow products
G Uysal, A Şensoy, AA Şorman
Journal of Hydrology 543, 630-650, 2016
Intercomparison of measurements of bulk snow density and water equivalent of snow cover with snow core samplers: Instrumental bias and variability induced by observers
JI López‐Moreno, L Leppänen, B Luks, L Holko, G Picard, ...
Hydrological Processes 34 (14), 3120-3133, 2020
Developing a decision support framework for real‐time flood management using integrated models
A Şensoy, G Uysal, AA Şorman
Journal of Flood Risk Management 11, S866-S883, 2018
Moving horizon estimation for assimilating H-SAF remote sensing data into the HBV hydrological model
RA Montero, D Schwanenberg, P Krahe, D Lisniak, A Sensoy, AA Sorman, ...
Advances in Water Resources 92, 248-257, 2016
Point‐scale energy and mass balance snowpack simulations in the upper Karasu basin, Turkey
A Şensoy, AA Şorman, AE Tekeli, AÜ Şorman, DC Garen
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 20 (4), 899-922, 2006
Probabilistic snow cover and ensemble streamflow estimations in the Upper Euphrates Basin
AA Şorman, G Uysal, A Şensoy
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 67 (1), 82-92, 2019
Basin/reservoir system integration for real time reservoir operation
G Uysal, A Şensoy, AA Şorman, T Akgün, T Gezgin
Water resources management 30, 1653-1668, 2016
Application of SWAT using snow data and detecting climate change impacts in the mountainous eastern regions of Turkey
IB Peker, AA Sorman
Water 13 (14), 1982, 2021
Modelling the temporal variation in snow-covered area derived from satellite images for simulating/forecasting of snowmelt runoff in Turkey/Modélisation de la variation …
AE Tekeli, Z Akyürek, A Şensoy, AA Şorman, AÜ Şorman
Hydrological sciences journal 50 (4), 2005
Assessment of 13 gridded precipitation datasets for hydrological modeling in a mountainous basin
H Hafizi, AA Sorman
Atmosphere 13 (1), 143, 2022
Application of Mike11 model for the simulation of snowmelt runoff in Yuvacik dam basin, Turkey
F Keskin, AA Şensoy, A Şorman, ÜA Şorman
International Congress on River Basin Management, The role of general …, 2007
Modified satellite products on snow covered area in upper Euphrates basin, Turkey
AA Sorman, E Yamankurt
Geophys. Res. Abstr 13, 2011
Use of satellite observed seasonal snow cover in hydrological modeling and snowmelt runoff prediction in upeer euphrates basin, Turkey
AA Şorman
Middle East Technical University, 2005
Snowmelt Lysimeters for Real-Time Snowmelt Studies in Turkey.
AE Tekeli, AA Šrman, A Šensoy, AÜ Šorman, J Bonta, G Schaefer
Turkish Journal of Engineering & Environmental Sciences 29 (1), 2005
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