Jean Ruey-Jer Bryan
The internet as an alternative path to internationalization?
N Sinkovics, RR Sinkovics, RJ “Bryan” Jean
International Marketing Review 30 (2), 130-155, 2013
The Effects of Supplier Involvement and Knowledge Protection on Product Innovation in Customer–Supplier Relationships: A Study of Global Automotive Suppliers in C hina
RJB Jean, RR Sinkovics, TP Hiebaum
Journal of Product Innovation Management 31 (1), 98-113, 2014
Enhancing international customer–supplier relationships through IT resources: A study of Taiwanese electronics suppliers
RJ Jean, RR Sinkovics, ST Cavusgil
Journal of International Business Studies 41, 1218-1239, 2010
Drivers and performance outcomes of relationship learning for suppliers in cross-border customer–supplier relationships: The role of communication culture
RJB Jean, RR Sinkovics, D Kim
Journal of International Marketing 18 (1), 63-85, 2010
Information technology and organizational performance within international business to business relationships: A review and an integrated conceptual framework
RJB Jean, RR Sinkovics, D Kim
International Marketing Review 25 (5), 563-583, 2008
Drivers and performance outcomes of supplier innovation generation in customer–supplier relationships: The role of power‐dependence
RJB Jean, D Kim, RR Sinkovics
Decision Sciences 43 (6), 1003-1038, 2012
Ethnic ties, location choice, and firm performance in foreign direct investment: A study of Taiwanese business groups FDI in China
RJB Jean, D Tan, RR Sinkovics
International Business Review 20 (6), 627-635, 2011
Internet and SMEs' internationalization: The role of platform and website
D Kim
Journal of International Management 26 (1), 100690, 2020
Rapid expansion of international new ventures across institutional distance
Z Deng, RJB Jean, RR Sinkovics
Journal of International Business Studies 49 (8), 1010-1032, 2018
Antecedents and outcomes of digital platform risk for international new ventures’ internationalization
D Kim, E Cavusgil
Journal of World Business 55 (1), 101021, 2020
Assessing endogeneity issues in international marketing research
RJB Jean, Z Deng, D Kim, X Yuan
International Marketing Review 33 (3), 483-512, 2016
Relationship learning and performance enhancement via advanced information technology: The case of Taiwanese dragon electronics firms
JRJBR RSinkovics
International Marketing Review 27 (2), 200-222, 2010
Antecedents and outcomes of supplier innovativeness in international customer–supplier relationships: the role of knowledge distance
RJ Bryan Jean, RR Sinkovics, D Kim
Management International Review 57 (1), 121-151, 2017
Does IT integration really enhance supplier responsiveness in global supply chains?
RR Sinkovics, RJB Jean, AS Roath, ST Cavusgil
Management International Review 51, 193-212, 2011
The ambiguous relationship of ICT and organizational performance: a literature review
RJ “Bryan” Jean
Critical perspectives on international business 3 (4), 306-321, 2007
The impact of technological, organizational and environmental characteristics on electronic collaboration and relationship performance in international customer–supplier …
RR Sinkovics, D Kim
Information & Management 51 (7), 854-864, 2014
Strategic orientations, joint learning, and innovation generation in international customer-supplier relationships
D Kim, JS Chiou, R Calantone
International Business Review 27 (4), 838-851, 2018
Foreign knowledge acquisition through inter-firm collaboration and recruitment: Implications for domestic growth of emerging market firms
PL Chen, D Tan
International Business Review 25 (1), 221-232, 2016
Interpartner learning, dependence asymmetry and radical innovation in customer-supplier relationships
RJB Jean, JS Chiou, RR Sinkovics
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 31 (6), 732-742, 2016
Relationship-based product innovations: Evidence from the global supply chain
R Jer, D Kim, DC Bello
Journal of Business Research 80, 127-140, 2017
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