All we have is words: applying rhetoric to examine how social media marketing activities strengthen the connection between the brand and the self G Panigyrakis, A Panopoulos, E Koronaki International Journal of Advertising 39 (5), 699-718, 2020 | 80 | 2020 |
The emotional value of arts-based initiatives: Strengthening the luxury brand–consumer relationship E Koronaki, AG Kyrousi, GG Panigyrakis Journal of Business Research 85, 406-413, 2018 | 71 | 2018 |
Effects of content characteristics on stages of customer engagement in social media: investigating European wine brands A Vlachvei, O Notta, E Koronaki Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 16 (4), 615-632, 2022 | 19 | 2022 |
Looking for luxury CSR practices that make more sense: The role of corporate identity and consumer attitude G Panigyrakis, A Panopoulos, E Koronaki Journal of Marketing Communications 26 (6), 666-684, 2020 | 18 | 2020 |
Managing the online customer experience and subsequent consumer responses across the customer journey: A review and future research agenda E Koronaki, A Vlachvei, A Panopoulos Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 58, 101242, 2023 | 11 | 2023 |
Marketing communication in luxury research: a framework-based literature review and research agenda AG Kyrousi, E Koronaki, AY Zotou Journal of Marketing Communications 28 (5), 560-589, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Luxury brand consumption and cultural influences G Panigyrakis, E Koronaki The New Knowledge Globalization Era: Future Trends Changing Corporate and …, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Linking luxury brand experience and brand attachment through self-brand connections: a role-theory perspective E Koronaki, PK Theodoridis, GG Panigyrakis Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism: 8th ICSIMAT, Northern Aegean …, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Consumers Under Lockdown: Self-Gifting and Mood Alleviation AG Kyrousi, AY Zotou, E Koronaki Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism in the COVID-19 Era: 9th ICSIMAT …, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Reaching for the better me: Development of a scale to measure luxury consumer–Personal identity enrichment AG Kyrousi, E Koronaki, PK Theodoridis Global Fashion Management Conference, 192-192, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |
Crafting food shopping experiences: the case of food halls in luxury departments stores E Koronaki, PK Theodoridis Case Studies on Food Experiences in Marketing, Retail, and Events, 51-63, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
The Impact of Luxury Brand’s Social Media Disappearance towards Product Marketing: The Case of Bottega Veneta MF Akhsan, E Koronaki Asian Journal of Research in Business and Management 4 (3), 258-272, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Environmental Drivers, Environmental Practices, and Business Performance: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Directions E Iliopoulou, A Vlachvei, E Koronaki Sustainability 16 (11), 4725, 2024 | | 2024 |
Art Infusion to Increase Perceptions of Luxury: How Global Brands Leverage on Acculturation to Global Consumer Culture E Koronaki, HM Jaimes, A Vlachvei, A Panopoulos Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism, 605, 2024 | | 2024 |
One value does not ‘fit’all: value-laden luxury advertising through the lens of consumer individuality AG Kyrousi, E Koronaki, AY Zotou, A Panopoulos Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 1-24, 2023 | | 2023 |
INTRINSIC VALUES REFLECTED IN LUXURY FASHION ADVERTISING: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY AG Kyrousi, AY Zotou, E Koronaki, A Panopoulos Global Marketing Conference, 1069-1069, 2023 | | 2023 |
Shaping the Online Customer Experience Through Website Elements: An Integrated Framework E Koronaki, A Vlachvei, A Panopoulos International Conference on Applied Economics, 963-975, 2022 | | 2022 |
Building a country brand through sustainability: the case of Greece, Cyprus, Israel and Egypt GG Panigyrakis, K Papakonstantinou, P Yerimou, E Koronaki Omni-Channel communication: Delivering unified communications across all …, 2021 | | 2021 |
Luxury brands and integrated marketing communication: Towards a research agenda AG Kyrousi, E Koronaki, AY Zotou Omni-Channel communication: Delivering unified communications across all …, 2021 | | 2021 |
REDEFINING LUXURY ADVERTISING: MOTIVATION IN ADVERTISED VALUE, ATTITUDES AND SUSCEPTIBILITY A Panopoulos, EK Eirini, A Kyrousi, A Zotou Global Marketing Conference, 151-156, 2020 | | 2020 |