yuyan zheng
yuyan zheng
在 surrey.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
A meta-analytic review of servant leadership consequences : the moderating roles of cultural factors
Y Zhang, Y Zheng, L Zhang, S Xu, X Liu, W Chen
Asia Pacific journal of management, 2019
Service leadership, work engagement, and service performance: The moderating role of leader skills
Y Zheng, L Graham, O Epitropaki, E Snape
Group & Organization Management 45 (1), 43-74, 2020
The impact of authoritarian leadership on ethical voice: A moderated mediation model of felt uncertainty and leader benevolence
Y Zheng, L Graham, JL Farh, X Huang
Journal of Business Ethics 170 (1), 133-146, 2021
Ethical leadership and ethical voice: The mediating mechanisms of value internalization and integrity identity
Y Zheng, O Epitropaki, L Graham, N Caveney
Journal of Management 48 (4), 973-1002, 2022
Work-to-non-work spillover: The impact of public service motivation and meaningfulness on outcomes in work and personal life domains
Y Zheng, CH Wu, L Graham
Public Management Review 22 (4), 578-601, 2020
Newcomers' relationship-building behavior, mentor information sharing and newcomer adjustment: The moderating effects of perceived mentor and newcomer deep similarity
Y Zheng, X Zheng, CH Wu, X Yao, Y Wang
Journal of Vocational Behavior 125, 103519, 2021
Deterrence effects: The role of authoritarian leadership in controlling employee workplace deviance
Y Zheng, X Huang, L Graham, T Redman, S Hu
Management and Organization Review 16 (2), 377-404, 2020
The impact of workplace stressors on exhaustion and work engagement in policing
S Lockey, L Graham, Y Zheng, I Hesketh, M Plater, S Gracey
The Police Journal 95 (1), 190-206, 2022
How does paradoxical leadership promote bootlegging: a TPB-based multiple mediation model
J Jia, Z Liu, Y Zheng
Chinese Management Studies 15 (4), 919-939, 2021
How autonomy support and ethical value alignment influences attitudes towards diversity in English police
M Al-Khouja, L Graham, N Weinstein, Y Zheng
Journal of Moral Education 49 (3), 365-380, 2020
The impact of a local community engagement intervention on residents’ fear of crime and perceptions of the police
S Lockey, L Graham, T Redman, Y Zheng, G Routledge, L Purves
International Journal of Police Science & Management 21 (3), 168-180, 2019
Fear and compliance: A study of antecedents, mediators and benefits of paternalistic leadership in China
Y Zheng
Durham University, 2016
Vulnerable narcissists in leadership? A bifactor model of narcissism and abusive supervision intent
SH Braun, B Schyns, Y Zheng, RG Lord
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 11224, 2019
Followers' unclear demands during the COVID‐19 pandemic can undermine leaders' well‐being: A moderated mediation model from an entrapment perspective
Y Zheng, CH Wu, X Zheng, J Pan
Applied Psychology 71 (3), 935-958, 2022
The virtue of a controlling leadership style: Authoritarian leadership, work stressors, and leader power distance orientation
L Chen, X Huang, J Sun, Y Zheng, L Graham, J Jiang
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1-41, 2022
Role of perceived events in university graduates' job search self-efficacy and success
Y Guan, X Zhou, Y Zheng, S Wen, Y Fu, N Hu, A Fu, Y Han, Z Wang
Journal of Vocational Behavior 136, 103741, 2022
The role of managers’ values in the relationship between high performance work systems and customer satisfaction: a team-level perspective
L Graham, Y Zheng, S Gracey, M Plater
Available at SSRN 3553721, 2020
Dynamic strategic marketing planning: The paradox of concurrently reconfiguring and implementing strategic marketing planning
LZ Vasilis Theoharakis, Yuyan Zheng
Journal of Business Research 174, 114525, 2024
The role of perceived autonomy‐supportive communication for motivating prejudice reduction and avoiding defiant backlash within the police force workplace
N Weinstein, N Legate, L Graham, Y Zheng, M Plater, M Al‐Khouja, ...
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 53 (5), 443-454, 2023
The Importance of Perceptions of Fair Treatment and Organisational Support for Well-Being and Discretionary Effort in Policing
N Brown, L Graham, Y Zheng, S Lockey, I Hesketh
Available at SSRN 3553689, 2020
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