Alexandra S. Wormley
Alexandra S. Wormley
Postdoctoral Fellow
在 umich.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Why are song lyrics becoming simpler? A time series analysis of lyrical complexity in six decades of American popular music
MEW Varnum, JA Krems, C Morris, A Wormley, I Grossmann
PloS one 16 (1), e0244576, 2021
Changing cultures, changing brains: A framework for integrating cultural neuroscience and cultural change research
JY Kwon, AS Wormley, MEW Varnum
Biological Psychology 162, 108087, 2021
Family still matters: Human social motivation across 42 countries during a global pandemic
CM Pick, A Ko, AS Wormley, A Wiezel, DT Kenrick, L Al-Shawaf, O Barry, ...
Evolution and human behavior 43 (6), 527-535, 2022
Loosening the definition of culture: An investigation of gender and cultural tightness.
AS Wormley, M Scott, K Grimm, NP Li, BKC Choy, AB Cohen
Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology 2, 100021, 2021
Fundamental social motives measured across forty-two cultures in two waves
CM Pick, A Ko, DT Kenrick, A Wiezel, AS Wormley, E Awad, L Al-Shawaf, ...
Scientific Data 9 (1), 499, 2022
Learning to adapt domain shifts of moral values via instance weighting
X Huang, A Wormley, A Cohen
Proceedings of the 33rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 121-131, 2022
CHEAT: Wordle Cheating Is Related to Religiosity and Cultural Tightness
AS Wormley, AB Cohen
Perspectives on Psychological Science 18 (3), 702-709, 2023
How much cultural variation around the globe is explained by ecology?
AS Wormley, JY Kwon, M Barlev, MEW Varnum
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290 (2000), 20230485, 2023
On the accuracy, media representation, and public perception of psychological scientists’ judgments of societal change.
CA Hutcherson, K Sharpinskyi, MEW Varnum, A Rotella, AS Wormley, ...
American Psychologist, 2023
Increasing psychological distress among Californians from 2013 to 2020: Race/ethnic differences
S Tran, AS Wormley, P Louie, C Sheehan
SSM-Mental Health 2, 100101, 2022
How is the behavioral immune system related to hygiene behaviors?
AS Wormley, MEW Varnum
Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology 4, 100081, 2023
The Ecology-Culture Dataset: A new resource for investigating cultural variation
AS Wormley, JY Kwon, M Barlev, MEW Varnum
Scientific Data 9 (1), 615, 2022
Pathogen prevalence and food taboos: A cross-cultural analysis
AS Wormley, AB Cohen
Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology 3, 100056, 2022
Ecology explains a substantial amount of human cultural variation around the globe
A Wormley, JY Kwon, M Barlev, MEW Varnum
Preprint at https://doi. org/10.31234/osf. io/84xjg, 2022
Homo temporus: Seasonal Cycles as a Fundamental Source of Variation in Human Psychology
I Hohm, AS Wormley, M Schaller, MEW Varnum
Perspectives on Psychological Science 19 (1), 151-172, 2024
What psychology can tell us about the cultural effects of climate change
AS Wormley
Journal of Environmental Psychology 92, 102175, 2023
Publisher Correction: Fundamental social motives measured across forty-two cultures in two waves
CM Pick, A Ko, DT Kenrick, A Wiezel, AS Wormley, E Awad, L Al-Shawaf, ...
Scientific data 9 (1), 575, 2022
How is the behavioral immune system related to culturally-learned disease avoidance strategies?
AS Wormley
Arizona State University, 2022
The pandemic fallacy: Inaccuracy of social scientists’ and lay judgments about COVID-19’s societal consequences in America
C Hutcherson, K Sharpinskyi, ME Varnum, A Rotella, A Wormley, L Tay, ...
PsyArXiv Preprints, 2021
Loneliness, Isolation, Religion, and Health Outcomes in the Global Flourishing Study
M Rodriguez, C Vornlocher, CR Baldwin, A Wormley
OSF, 2024
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