Sarai Dery Folkestad
Sarai Dery Folkestad
在 ntnu.no 的电子邮件经过验证
eT 1.0: An open source electronic structure program with emphasis on coupled cluster and multilevel methods
SD Folkestad, EF Kjønstad, RH Myhre, JH Andersen, A Balbi, S Coriani, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 152 (18), 2020
An efficient algorithm for Cholesky decomposition of electron repulsion integrals
SD Folkestad, EF Kjønstad, H Koch
The Journal of chemical physics 150 (19), 2019
Multilevel CC2 and CCSD methods with correlated natural transition orbitals
SD Folkestad, H Koch
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 16 (1), 179-189, 2019
Equation-of-motion MLCCSD and CCSD-in-HF oscillator strengths and their application to core excitations
SD Folkestad, H Koch
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 16 (11), 6869-6879, 2020
Multilevel CC2 and CCSD in reduced orbital spaces: electronic excitations in large molecular systems
SD Folkestad, EF Kjønstad, L Goletto, H Koch
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 17 (2), 714-726, 2021
Transient resonant Auger–Meitner spectra of photoexcited thymine
TJA Wolf, AC Paul, SD Folkestad, RH Myhre, JP Cryan, N Berrah, ...
Faraday discussions 228, 555-570, 2021
Combining multilevel Hartree–Fock and multilevel coupled cluster approaches with molecular mechanics: a study of electronic excitations in solutions
L Goletto, T Giovannini, SD Folkestad, H Koch
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (7), 4413-4425, 2021
Accelerated multimodel Newton-type algorithms for faster convergence of ground and excited state coupled cluster equations
EF Kjønstad, SD Folkestad, H Koch
The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (1), 2020
New implementation of an equation-of-motion coupled-cluster damped-response framework with illustrative applications to resonant inelastic X-ray scattering
AK Schnack-Petersen, T Moitra, SD Folkestad, S Coriani
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 127 (7), 1775-1793, 2023
Particle-Breaking Hartree–Fock Theory for Open Molecular Systems
R Matveeva, SD Folkestad, IM Høyvik
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 127 (5), 1329-1341, 2023
Oscillator strengths in the framework of equation of motion multilevel CC3
AC Paul, SD Folkestad, RH Myhre, H Koch
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 18 (9), 5246-5258, 2022
Predictions of pre-edge features in time-resolved near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy from hole–hole Tamm–Dancoff-Approximated density functional theory
EG Hohenstein, JK Yu, C Bannwarth, NH List, AC Paul, SD Folkestad, ...
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 17 (11), 7120-7133, 2021
Implementation of occupied and virtual Edmiston–Ruedenberg orbitals using Cholesky decomposed integrals
SD Folkestad, R Matveeva, IM Høyvik, H Koch
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 18 (8), 4733-4744, 2022
Linear-scaling implementation of multilevel hartree–fock theory
L Goletto, EF Kjønstad, SD Folkestad, IM Høyvik, H Koch
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 17 (12), 7416-7427, 2021
Entanglement coupled cluster theory: Exact spin-adaptation
SD Folkestad, BS Sannes, H Koch
The Journal of Chemical Physics 158 (22), 2023
Understanding X-ray absorption in liquid water using triple excitations in multilevel coupled cluster theory
SD Folkestad, AC Paul, R Paul, S Coriani, M Odelius, M Iannuzzi, H Koch
Nature Communications 15 (1), 3551, 2024
Particle-Breaking Unrestricted Hartree–Fock Theory for Open Molecular Systems
R Paul née Matveeva, SD Folkestad, BS Sannes, IM Høyvik
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 128 (8), 1533-1542, 2024
Enhanced understanding of X-ray absorption in liquid water using novel coupled cluster methodologies
SD Folkestad, AC Paul, R Paul, S Coriani, M Odelius, M Iannuzzi, H Koch
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.09495, 2023
Core-ionization spectrum of liquid water
S Dey, SD Folkestad, AC Paul, H Koch, AI Krylov
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26 (3), 1845-1859, 2024
Quantum Mechanical Versus Polarizable Embedding Schemes: A Study of the Xray Absorption Spectra of Aqueous Ammonia and Ammonium
SD Folkestad, AC Paul, R Paul née Matveeva, P Reinholdt, S Coriani, ...
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 20 (10), 4161-4169, 2024
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