Joas Serugga
The development of a digitally enhanced visual inspection framework for masonry bridges in the UK
S Talebi, S Wu, M Al-Adhami, M Shelbourn, J Serugga
Construction Innovation 22 (3), 624-646, 2022
Front end projects benefits realisation from a requirements management perspective—A systematic literature review
J Serugga, M Kagioglou, P Tzortzopoulos
Buildings 10 (5), 83, 2020
Value generation in front-end design of social housing with qfd and multiattribute utility theory
J Serugga, M Kagioglou, P Tzortzopoulos
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 146 (4), 04020019, 2020
A Utilitarian Decision—Making Approach for Front End Design—A Systematic Literature Review
J Serugga, M Kagioglou, PT Fazenda
Buildings 10 (2), 1-34, 2020
A framework for emergent needs analysis during front-end design in social housing
J Serugga, M Kagioglou, P Tzortzopoulos
Holistic Overview of Structural Design and Construction Management …, 2020
A predictive method for benefits realisation through modelling uncertainty in front end design
J Serugga, M Kagioglou, P Tzortzopoulos
Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the International Group for …, 2019
Decision making: Value generation in front end design using quality function and utility theory
J Serugga, M Kagioglou, P Tzortzopoulos
CIB World Building Congress 2019: Constructing Smart Cities, 705-715, 2019
A Model for Analysis of Emergent Needs during Front End Design Decision Making
J Serugga, M Kagioglou, P Tzortzopulos
Construction Research Congress 2020, 860-870, 2020
Benefits Realization: Novel Conceptual Model for Front End–Design Decision-Making Using Dempster–Shafer Theory and Quality Function Deployment
J Serugga, M Kagioglou, P Tzortzopoulos
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 147 (7), 04021062, 2021
Front-End Design and Value Generation: A Housing Project Analysis
EBMK Joas Serugga, Bernardo Martim Beck da Silva Etges
Proc. 28th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean …, 2020
Multi-criteria decision making in early stage design: capturing the dynamics using utility theory
J Serugga, M Kagioglou
Interdependence Between Structural Engineering and Construction Management …, 2019
Key influences to cost modelling and analysis in off-site construction: research trends and GAP analysis
J Serugga, M Kagioglou, D Edwards, S Talebi, N Johns
Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 1-22, 2023
A Decision Support System for Benefits Realisation in Front End Design of Construction Projects in Dynamic Contexts
J Serugga
University of Huddersfield, 2020
A Framework/System for Benefits Realisation in Front End Design of Construction Projects in Dynamic Contexts (METHODOLOGY)
J Serugga
Degradation of Ceramics-Fatigue
J Serugga
X-Ray Diffraction and Rietveld Refinement Study of Multiferroic Gallium Ferrite
J Serugga
Value Generation in Front-End Design of
J Serugga, M Kagioglou, P Tzortzopoulos
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