Dr S Pradeep
Dr S Pradeep
Associate Professor , Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women (UGC Autonomous College)
在 mrecw.in 的电子邮件经过验证
A pragmatic evaluation of stress and performance testing technologies for web based applications
S Pradeep, YK Sharma
2019 Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AICAI), 399-403, 2019
Deep Learning based Real Time Object Recognition for Security in Air Defense
DYK Sharma, S Pradeep
Proceedings of the 13th INDIACom, 64-67, 2019
Secured information sharing in supply chain management: Modified data sanitization with optimal key generation via hybrid algorithm
D Kalyani, P Srivani, S Pradeep
Advances in Engineering Software 173, 103194, 2022
Energy efficient routing protocol in novel schemes for performance evaluation
S Pradeep, YK Sharma, C Verma, S Dalal, C Prasad
Applied System Innovation 5 (5), 101, 2022
Effectual Secured Approach for Internet of Things with Fog Computing and Mobile Cloud Architecture Using Ifogsim
S Pradeep, DYK Sharma
WE C-2019-London, UK, DOI, 978-988, 2019
Storing live sensor data to the platforms of internet of things (IoT) using Arduino and associated microchips
S Pradeep, YK Sharma
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational …, 2020
Developing an SDN security model (EnsureS) based on lightweight service path validation with batch hashing and tag verification
S Pradeep, YK Sharma, UK Lilhore, S Simaiya, A Kumar, S Ahuja, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 17381, 2023
Moving ridge neuronal espionage network simulation for reticulum invasion sensing
G Sreeram, S Pradeep, KS Rao, BD Raju, P Nikhat
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications 17 (1), 64-77, 2021
Secured information sharing in SCM: Parametric Analysis on Improved Beetle Swarm Optimization
D Kalyani, S Pradeep, P Srivani
Procedia Computer Science 215, 897-908, 2022
Multi‐objective strategy‐based resource allocation and performance improvements in 5G and beyond wireless networks
S Pradeep, L Lakshminarasimman
International Journal of Communication Systems 35 (15), e5288, 2022
Deep learning based real time object recognition for security in air defense
S Pradeep, YK Sharma
2019 6th International conference on computing for sustainable global …, 2019
Analysis and Functioning of Smart Grid for Enhancing Energy Efficiency Using OptimizationTechniques with IoT
S Pradeep, S Krishna, MS Reddy, DD Sri, MS Sri
2023 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine …, 2023
Envision Foundational of Convolution Neural Network
MVK Reddy, DS Pradeep
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 10 …, 2021
RETRACTED: Express Data Processing on FPGA: Network Interface Cards for Streamlined Software Inspection for Packet Processing
S Pradeep, YK Sharma, C Verma, G Sreeram, P Hanumantha Rao
Applied System Innovation 6 (1), 9, 2023
Utilizing WSN and Artificial Intelligence to Detect Fires
S Pradeep, YK Sharma, C Verma, NB Constantin, Z Illés, MS Raboaca, ...
2022 11th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in …, 2022
Online Mail Junk Penetration by Using Genetic Algorithm Probabilistic Weights and Word Compute
S Pradeep, G Sreeram, MVK Reddy
High Performance Computing and Networking: Select Proceedings of CHSN 2021 …, 2022
A novel evolutionary algorithm (MFO) with rate monotonic scheduling for load balancing in LTE advanced networks
S Pradeep, L Lakshminarasimman
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 22 (4), 445-461, 2020
Smart Access Control System and Ultimate SecuritySolution for Vehicle Parking
S Pradeep, P Neha, T Chandrika, NS Rani, P Gowthami
2023 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine …, 2023
Automated Hydrological System for Irrigation
S Pradeep, D Harshini, A HariPriya, KN Harathi, C Vaishnavi
2023 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine …, 2023
Iot Based Remote Operated Smart Irrigation Systemfor Enhancing The Crop Yield
S Pradeep, G Vyshnavi, M Tejaswini, P Vaishnavi, Y Indhu
2023 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine …, 2023
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