Robin Sudhoff
Robin Sudhoff
Siemens AG, Technische Universität Darmstadt
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Operating renewable energy communities to reduce power peaks in the distribution grid: An analysis on grid-friendliness, different shares of participants, and economic benefits
R Sudhoff, S Schreck, S Thiem, S Niessen
Energies 15 (15), 5468, 2022
On the importance of grid tariff designs in local energy markets
S Schreck, R Sudhoff, S Thiem, S Niessen
Energies 15 (17), 6209, 2022
Next Level Geothermal Power Generation (NGP)–A new sCO2-based geothermal concept
R Sudhoff, S Glos, M Wechsung, B Adams, MO Saar
German Geothermal Congress/Der Geothermie Kongress (DGK 2019), P 25, 2019
Grid-friendly renewable energy communities using operating envelopes provided by DSOS
J Kainz, R Sudhoff, G Engelbrecht, A Einfalt, I Fohler, D Hauer, C Kahler, ...
IET Digital Library, 2023
Achieving grid-friendly operation of renewable energy communities through smart usage of electric vehicle charging and flexibilities
R Sudhoff, S Schreck, S Thiem, S Niessen
IET Digital Library, 2022
Implications of Electricity Tariff Design on the Operation of Renewable Energy Communities
R Sudhoff, Y Bouraoui, S Schreck, S Thiem, S Niessen
2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), 1-5, 2023
On the operation and implications of grid-interactive renewable energy communities
R Sudhoff, R Derzbach, S Schreck, S Thiem, S Niessen
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 38, 101390, 2024
Forecasting Critical Overloads based on Heterogeneous Smart Grid Simulation
M Bittner, D Hauer, C Stippel, K Scheucher, R Sudhoff, A Jantsch
2023 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA …, 2023
Implications of forecast uncertainty on the optimal operation of renewable energy communities
R Sudhoff, S Schreck, S Thiem, S Niessen
27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023) 2023 …, 2023
System for converting thermal energy into mechanical work
S Glos, S Grotkamp, R Sudhoff, M Wechsung
US Patent App. 17/625,745, 2022
NextGen Geothermal Power (NGP)-Utilization of CO2 as a working medium for geothermal power generation
F Boehmer, D Schaefer, R Sudhoff, M Wechsung
OIL GAS-EUROPEAN MAGAZINE 47 (2), 40-42, 2021
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