Nictor Namoi
Nictor Namoi
在 illinois.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
The scientific basis of climate-smart agriculture: A systematic review protocol
TS Rosenstock, C Lamanna, S Chesterman, P Bell, A Arslan, ...
CCAFS Working Paper, 2016
Adoption of climate-smart agriculture technologies in Tanzania
BK Kurgat, C Lamanna, A Kimaro, N Namoi, L Manda, TS Rosenstock
Frontiers in sustainable food systems 4, 55, 2020
A planetary health perspective on agroforestry in Sub-Saharan Africa
TS Rosenstock, IK Dawson, E Aynekulu, S Chomba, A Degrande, ...
One Earth 1 (3), 330-344, 2019
Making trees count: Measurement and reporting of agroforestry in UNFCCC national communications of non-Annex I countries
TS Rosenstock, A Wilkes, C Jallo, N Namoi, M Bulusu, M Suber, D Mboi, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 284, 106569, 2019
Intensifying inequality? Gendered trends in commercializing and diversifying smallholder farming systems in East Africa
K Tavenner, M Van Wijk, S Fraval, J Hammond, I Baltenweck, N Teufel, ...
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 3, 10, 2019
What is the evidence base for climate-smart agriculture in East and Southern Africa? A systematic map
TS Rosenstock, C Lamanna, N Namoi, A Arslan, M Richards
The climate-smart agriculture papers: investigating the business of a …, 2019
A practical guide to climate-smart agriculture technologies in Africa
P Bell, N Namoi, C Lamanna, C Corner-Dolloff, EH Girvetz, C Thierfelder, ...
Evidence-based opportunities for out-scaling climate-smart agriculture in East Africa
C Lamanna, N Namoi, AA Kimaro, M Mpanda, A Egeru, C Okia, ...
CCAFS Working Paper, 2016
How to effectively enhance sustainable livelihoods in smallholder systems: A comparative study from Western Kenya
LE Fuchs, L Orero, N Namoi, H Neufeldt
Sustainability 11 (6), 1564, 2019
Earthworms regulate ability of biochar to mitigate CO2 and N2O emissions from a tropical soil
N Namoi, D Pelster, TS Rosenstock, L Mwangi, S Kamau, P Mutuo, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 140, 57-67, 2019
Making trees count: Measurement, reporting and verification of agroforestry under the UNFCCC
TS Rosenstock, A Wilkes, C Jallo, N Namoi, M Bulusu, M Suber, ...
CCAFS Working Paper, 2018
Climate impacts of natural farming: A cradle to gate comparison between conventional practice and Andhra Pradesh community natural farming
TS Rosenstock, M Mayzelle, N Namoi, P Fantke
Research & Reviews: Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences, 2024
A planetary health perspective on agroforestry in sub-Saharan Africa. One Earth 1 (3), 330–344
TS Rosenstock, IK Dawson, E Aynekulu, S Chomba, A Degrande, ...
Influence of organic based technologies on soil nutrient status in semi-arid Yatta sub-County, Kenya
RN Onwonga, NL Namoi, JJ Lelei
Journal of Agricultural Science 7 (8), 56, 2015
The business case for resilient agriculture: A financial and risk analysis of maize farming technologies in Kenya
AC Nowak, P Steward, N Namoi, HN Kamau, C Lamanna, TS Rosenstock
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, 2020
Adoption of climatesmart agriculture technologies in Tanzania. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4 (55) 1-9
BK Kurgat, C Lamanna, A Kimaro, N Namoi, L Manda, TS Rosenstock
Biomass production and nutrient removal by perennial energy grasses produced on a wet marginal land
DR Cooney, N Namoi, C Zumpf, SH Lim, M Villamil, R Mitchell, DK Lee
BioEnergy Research 16 (2), 886-897, 2023
Aerial Imagery Can Detect Nitrogen Fertilizer Effects on Biomass and Stand Health of Miscanthus × giganteus
N Namoi, C Jang, Z Robins, CH Lin, SH Lim, T Voigt, DK Lee
Remote Sensing 14 (6), 1435, 2022
Assessment of soil nutrient balances in organic based cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) cropping systems of Yatta Subcounty, Kenya
NL Namoi, RN Onwonga, CM Onyango, GN Karuku, VM Kathumo
American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 4 (12), 1557-1578, 2014
Multi-site evaluation of stratified and balanced sampling of soil organic carbon stocks in agricultural fields
E Potash, K Guan, AJ Margenot, DK Lee, A Boe, M Douglass, E Heaton, ...
Geoderma 438, 116587, 2023
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