CHAN, Chitat 陳智達
CHAN, Chitat 陳智達
Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Hong Kong Baptist University
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Practice innovation through technology in the digital age: A grand challenge for social work (Grand Challenges for Social Work Initiative Working Paper No. 12)
SC Berzin, J Singer, C Chan
Cleveland, OH: American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, 2015
A review of information and communication technology enhanced social work interventions
C Chan, MJ Holosko
Research on Social Work Practice 26 (1), 88-100, 2016
Using digital storytelling to facilitate critical thinking disposition in youth civic engagement: A randomized control trial
C Chan
Children and Youth Services Review 107, 104522, 2019
A scoping review of social media use in social work practice
C Chan
Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work 13 (3), 263-276, 2016
The utilization of social media for youth outreach engagement: A case study
C Chan, MJ Holosko
Qualitative social work 16 (5), 680-697, 2017
Psychological well-being and adolescents’ internet addiction: A school-based cross-sectional study in Hong Kong
JCS Cheung, KHW Chan, YW Lui, MS Tsui, C Chan
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 35, 477-487, 2018
An overview of the use of Mechanical Turk in behavioral sciences: Implications for social work
C Chan, MJ Holosko
Research on Social Work Practice 26 (4), 441-448, 2016
A narrative review of digital storytelling for social work practice
C Chan, M Sage
Journal of Social Work Practice 35 (1), 63-77, 2021
ICT-supported social work interventions with youth: A critical review
C Chan
Journal of social work 18 (4), 468-488, 2018
Using the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) checklist for DSM-5 to screen for PTSD in the Chinese context: A pilot study in a psychiatric sample
HW Fung, C Chan, CY Lee, CA Ross
Journal of evidence-based social work 16 (6), 643-651, 2019
Using photographs in narrative therapy to externalize the problem: a substance abuse case
C Chan, K Ngai, C Wong
Journal of Systemic Therapies 31 (2), 1-20, 2012
Utilizing social media for social work: Insights from clients in online youth services
C Chan, SS Ngai
Journal of social work practice 33 (2), 157-172, 2019
Technology for social work interventions
C Chan, M Holosko
Oxford University Press, 2018
Youth voice? Whose voice? Young people and youth media practice in Hong Kong
C Chan
McGill Journal of Education 41 (3), 215, 2006
Psychometric properties of the pathological dissociation measures among Chinese–a pilot study using online methods
HW Fung, TM Choi, C Chan, CA Ross
Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work 15 (4), 371-384, 2018
Young activists and the anti-patriotic education movement in post-colonial Hong Kong: Some insights from Twitter
C Chan
Citizenship, Social and Economics Education 12 (3), 148-162, 2013
A cross-cultural investigation of the association between betrayal trauma and dissociative features
HW Fung, WT Chien, C Chan, CA Ross
Journal of interpersonal violence 38 (1-2), 1630-1653, 2023
Using online methods to develop and examine the Hong Kong Chinese translation of the dissociative experiences scale
C Chan, HW Fung, TM Choi, CA Ross
Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work 14 (2), 70-85, 2017
A preliminary investigation of depression in people with pathological dissociation
HW Fung, C Chan, CA Ross, TM Choi
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 21 (5), 594-608, 2020
A preliminary study of the clinical differences between dissociative and nondissociative depression in Hong Kong: Implications for mental health practice
HW Fung, C Chan
Social work in health care 58 (6), 564-578, 2019
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