James Caudill
James Caudill
在 g.uky.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Machining-induced surface integrity in titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V: an investigation of cutting edge radius and cooling/lubricating strategies
G Chen, J Caudill, S Chen, IS Jawahir
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 74, 353-364, 2022
Enhancing the surface integrity of Ti-6Al-4V alloy through cryogenic burnishing
J Caudill, B Huang, C Arvin, J Schoop, K Meyer, IS Jawahir
Procedia CIRP 13, 243-248, 2014
Correlation of surface integrity with processing parameters and advanced interface cooling/lubrication in burnishing of Ti-6Al-4V alloy
J Caudill, J Schoop, IS Jawahir
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 5 (1), 53-66, 2019
Numerical modeling of cutting forces and temperature distribution in high speed cryogenic and flood-cooled milling of Ti-6Al-4V
J Caudill, J Schoop, IS Jawahir
Procedia CIRP 82, 83-88, 2019
Numerical modeling of Ti-6Al-4V alloy orthogonal cutting considering microstructure dependent work hardening and energy density-based failure behaviors
G Chen, J Caudill, C Ren, IS Jawahir
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 82, 750-764, 2022
Effect of cutting edge radius and cooling strategies on surface integrity in orthogonal machining of Ti-6Al-4V alloy
G Chen, S Chen, J Caudill, IS Jawahir
Procedia CIRP 82, 148-153, 2019
Producing sustainable nanostructures in Ti-6Al-4V alloys for improved surface integrity and increased functional life in aerospace applications by cryogenic burnishing
J Caudill, J Schoop, IS Jawahir
Procedia CIRP 80, 120-125, 2019
Minimising carbon emissions and machining costs with improved human health in sustainable machining of austenitic stainless steel through multi-objective optimisation
A Uysal, JR Caudill, J Schoop, IS Jawahir
International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing 4 (2-4), 281-299, 2020
Enhanced Surface Integrity With Thermally Stable Residual Stress Fields And Nanostructures In Cryogenic Processing Of Titanium Alloy Ti-6al-4v
JR Caudill
The Influence of Sustainable Cooling Strategies and Uncut Chip Thickness on Surface Integrity in Finish Machining of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
G Chen, S Chen, J Schoop, J Caudill, IS Jawahir
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 85567 …, 2021
Solid-State Additive Manufacturing: An Innovative Framework for Sustainable Supply Chain Transformation and Circular Economy
J Caudill, F Badurdeen, IS Jawahir
ESSN: 2701-6277, 777-786, 2024
Decision Making for Sustainable Manufacturing
F Badurdeen, A Bal, C Enyoghasi, B Hapuwatte, J Caudill, IS Jawahir
Elsevier, 2024
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