Joris van Hoboken
Joris van Hoboken
Professor of Law, Vrije Universiteit Brussel / Senior Researcher Institute for Information Law
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Privacy after the agile turn
S Gurses, J Van Hoboken
SocArXiv, 2017
Designing for the better by taking users into account: A qualitative evaluation of user control mechanisms in (news) recommender systems
J Harambam, D Bountouridis, M Makhortykh, J Van Hoboken
Proceedings of the 13th ACM conference on recommender systems, 69-77, 2019
Democratizing algorithmic news recommenders: how to materialize voice in a technologically saturated media ecosystem
J Harambam, N Helberger, J Van Hoboken
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2018
Crypto and empire: The contradictions of counter-surveillance advocacy
S Gürses, A Kundnani, J Van Hoboken
Media, Culture & Society 38 (4), 576-590, 2016
Privacy and security in the cloud: Some realism about technical solutions to transnational surveillance in the post-Snowden era
JVJ Van Hoboken
Me. L. Rev. 66, 487, 2013
Search engine freedom: on the implications of the right to freedom of expression for the legal governance of Web search engines
J Van Hoboken
Kluwer Law International BV, 2012
Artificial intelligence, content moderation, and freedom of expression
E Llansó, J Van Hoboken, P Leerssen, J Harambam
Data brokers in an open society
A Rieke, H Yu, D Robinson, J van Hoboken
LondonOpen Society Foundation, 2016
The Proposed Right to Be Forgotten Seen from the Perspective of Our Right to Remember
J Van Hoboken
European Commission, 2013
Responsibility for Data Protection in a Networked World: On the Question of the Controller, Effective and Complete Protection and Its Application to Data Access Rights in Europe
R Mahieu, J Van Hoboken, H Asghari
J. Intell. Prop. Info. Tech. & Elec. Com. L. 10, 84, 2019
Cloud computing in higher education and research institutions and the USA PATRIOT Act
J Van Hoboken, A Arnbak, N Van Eijk
Available at SSRN 2181534, 2012
Smartphone platforms as privacy regulators
J Van Hoboken, RÓ Fathaigh
Computer Law & Security Review 41, 105557, 2021
Legal space for innovative ordering: On the need to update selection intermediary liability in the EU
J Van Hoboken
International Journal of Communications Law & Policy, 2012-38, 2009
Hosting intermediary services and illegal content online: An analysis of the scope of article 14 ECD in light of developments in the online service landscape
J VaN hoboKeN, JP QuiNtais, J Poort, N VaN eiJK
BrusselsEuropean Commission, 2018
Little brother is tagging you–Legal and policy implications of amateur data controllers
N Helberger, J Hoboken
Computer law review international 11 (4), 101-109, 2010
User-Created-Content: Supporting a participative Information Society
F Le Borgne-Bachschmidt, S Girieud, M Leiba, S Munck, S Limonard, ...
Final Report, Amsterdam ua, 2008
The Digital Services Act (DSA) proposal: a critical overview
I Buri, J van Hoboken
Digital Services Act (DSA) Observatory, 2021
Human rights and encryption
W Schulz, J Hoboken
UNESCO Publishing, 2016
Study of fundamental rights limitations for online enforcement through self-regulation
C Angelopoulos, A Brody, AW Hins, B Hugenholtz, P Leerssen, T Margoni, ...
Study of fundamental rights limitations for online enforcement through self …, 2016
From collection to use in privacy regulation? A forward-looking comparison of European and us frameworks for personal data processing
J Van Hoboken
Exploring the Boundaries of Big Data 231, 2016
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