E. Alex Wollack
E. Alex Wollack
AWS Center for Quantum Computing
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Resolving the energy levels of a nanomechanical oscillator
P Arrangoiz-Arriola, EA Wollack, Z Wang, M Pechal, W Jiang, ...
Nature 571 (7766), 537-540, 2019
Cryogenic microwave-to-optical conversion using a triply resonant lithium-niobate-on-sapphire transducer
TP McKenna, JD Witmer, RN Patel, W Jiang, R Van Laer, ...
Optica 7 (12), 1737-1745, 2020
Quantum dynamics of a few-photon parametric oscillator
Z Wang, M Pechal, EA Wollack, P Arrangoiz-Arriola, M Gao, NR Lee, ...
Physical Review X 9 (2), 021049, 2019
Coupling a superconducting quantum circuit to a phononic crystal defect cavity
P Arrangoiz-Arriola, EA Wollack, M Pechal, JD Witmer, JT Hill, ...
Physical Review X 8 (3), 031007, 2018
Quantum state preparation and tomography of entangled mechanical resonators
EA Wollack, AY Cleland, RG Gruenke, Z Wang, P Arrangoiz-Arriola, ...
Nature 604 (7906), 463-467, 2022
Experimental constraints on Mercury's core composition
NL Chabot, EA Wollack, RL Klima, ME Minitti
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 390, 199-208, 2014
Experimental determination of partitioning in the Fe‐Ni system for applications to modeling meteoritic metals
NL Chabot, EA Wollack, WF McDonough, RD Ash, SA Saslow
Meteoritics & planetary science 52 (6), 1133-1145, 2017
Loss channels affecting lithium niobate phononic crystal resonators at cryogenic temperature
EA Wollack, AY Cleland, P Arrangoiz-Arriola, TP McKenna, RG Gruenke, ...
Applied Physics Letters 118 (12), 2021
A silicon‐organic hybrid platform for quantum microwave-to-optical transduction
JD Witmer, TP McKenna, P Arrangoiz-Arriola, R Van Laer, EA Wollack, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 5 (3), 034004, 2020
Propagation of microwave photons along a synthetic dimension
NRA Lee, M Pechal, EA Wollack, P Arrangoiz-Arriola, Z Wang, ...
Physical Review A 101 (5), 053807, 2020
Mechanical Purcell filters for microwave quantum machines
AY Cleland, M Pechal, PJC Stas, CJ Sarabalis, EA Wollack, ...
Applied Physics Letters 115 (26), 2019
Demonstrating a long-coherence dual-rail erasure qubit using tunable transmons
H Levine, A Haim, JSC Hung, N Alidoust, M Kalaee, L DeLorenzo, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.08737, 2023
The effect of oxygen as a light element in metallic liquids on partitioning behavior
NL Chabot, EA Wollack, M Humayun, EM Shank
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 50 (4), 530-546, 2015
Studying phonon coherence with a quantum sensor
AY Cleland, EA Wollack, AH Safavi-Naeini
Nature Communications 15, 2024
Strong dispersive coupling between a mechanical resonator and a fluxonium superconducting qubit
NRA Lee, Y Guo, AY Cleland, EA Wollack, RG Gruenke, T Makihara, ...
PRX Quantum 4 (4), 040342, 2023
Piezo-optomechanics in lithium niobate on silicon-on-insulator for microwave-to-optics transduction
R Van Laer, W Jiang, RN Patel, CJ Sarabalis, A Cleland, TP McKenna, ...
CLEO: Science and Innovations, STu4J. 2, 2020
Microwave quantum acoustic processor
P Arrangoiz-Arriola, EA Wollack, M Pechal, W Jiang, Z Wang, ...
2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), 255-258, 2019
On-chip microwave-to-optical photonconversion for quantum networks
JD Witmer, TP McKenna, W Jiang, P Arrangoiz-Arriola, EA Wollack, ...
Quantum Information and Measurement, T5A. 10, 2019
The effect of light elements in metallic liquids on partitioning behavior
NL Chabot, EA Wollack, WF McDonough, R Ash
Lunar Planet. Sci, 2014
Surface modification and coherence in lithium niobate SAW resonators
RG Gruenke, OA Hitchcock, EA Wollack, CJ Sarabalis, M Jankowski, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 6663, 2024
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