Naeem Akhtar (PhD)
Naeem Akhtar (PhD)
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Panic buying in the COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-country examination
T Islam, AH Pitafi, V Arya, Y Wang, N Akhtar, S Mubarik, L Xiaobei
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 59, 102357, 2021
COVID-19 restrictions and consumers’ psychological reactance toward offline shopping freedom restoration
N Akhtar, M Nadeem Akhtar, M Usman, M Ali, U Iqbal Siddiqi
The Service Industries Journal 40 (13-14), 891-913, 2020
Impact of IT capabilities on supply chain capabilities and organizational agility: a dynamic capability view
M Irfan, M Wang, N Akhtar
Operations Management Research 12 (3), 113-128, 2019
Customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry; examining the model in local industry perspective
RI Sabir, M Irfan, N Akhtar, MA Pervez, A ur Rehman
Journal of Asian Business Strategy 4 (1), 18, 2014
Enabling supply chain agility through process integration and supply flexibility: Evidence from the fashion industry
M Irfan, M Wang, N Akhtar
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 32 (2), 519-547, 2020
Being ignored at work: Understanding how and when spiritual leadership curbs workplace ostracism in the hospitality industry
M Ali, M Usman, NT Pham, P Agyemang-Mintah, N Akhtar
International Journal of Hospitality Management 91, 102696, 2020
Spiritual leadership and organizational citizenship behavior for the environment: an intervening and interactional analysis
MK Anser, S Shafique, M Usman, N Akhtar, M Ali
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 64 (8), 1496-1514, 2021
Factors affecting customer satisfaction in banking sector of Pakistan
RI Sabir, O Ghafoor, N Akhtar, I Hafeez, AU Rehman
International review of management and business research 3 (2), 1014, 2014
Impact of a brand equity on consumer purchase decision in L'Oreal skincare products
N Akhtar, UI Siddiqi, A Ashraf, M Latif
International Review of Management and Business Research 5 (3), 808, 2016
Determinants of purchase luxury counterfeit products in social commerce: the mediating role of compulsive internet use
T Islam, AH Pitafi, N Akhtar, L Xiaobei
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 62, 102596, 2021
Conflicting halal attributes at halal restaurants and consumers’ responses: The moderating role of religiosity
N Akhtar, S Jin, TH Alvi, UI Siddiqi
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 45, 499-510, 2020
Predictors and outcomes of consumer deception in hotel reviews: The roles of reviewer type and attribution of service failure
N Akhtar, W Ahmad, UI Siddiqi, MN Akhtar
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 39, 65-75, 2019
Restaurant hygiene attributes and consumers’ fear of COVID-19: Does psychological distress matter?
UI Siddiqi, N Akhtar, T Islam
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 67, 102972, 2022
The effect of non-verbal messages on Muslim tourists’ interaction adaptation: A case study of Halal restaurants in China
N Akhtar, J Sun, W Ahmad, MN Akhtar
Journal of destination marketing & management 11, 10-22, 2019
‘I'm like you, and I like what you like’sustainable food purchase influenced by vloggers: a moderated serial-mediation model
Z Xu, T Islam, X Liang, N Akhtar, M Shahzad
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 63, 102737, 2021
Modeling attitude ambivalence and behavioral outcomes from hotel reviews
N Akhtar, UI Siddiqi, MN Akhtar, M Usman, W Ahmad
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 32 (9), 2831-2855, 2020
How attitude ambivalence from conflicting online hotel reviews affects consumers’ behavioural responses: The moderating role of dialecticism☆
N Akhtar, J Sun, MN Akhtar, J Chen
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 41, 28-40, 2019
The role of conflicting online reviews in consumers’ attitude ambivalence
UI Siddiqi, J Sun, N Akhtar
The Service Industries Journal 40 (13-14), 1003-1030, 2020
Ulterior motives in peer and expert supplementary online reviews and consumers' perceived deception
UI Siddiqi, J Sun, N Akhtar
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 33 (1), 73-98, 2020
Consumers’ untrust and behavioral intentions in the backdrop of hotel booking attributes
N Akhtar, UI Siddiqi, T Islam, J Paul
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 34 (5), 2026-2047, 2022
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