Государственная экономическая политика ИМ Албегова, РГ Емцов, АВ Холопов Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Издательство Дело и сервис, 1998 | 446 | 1998 |
Exploring universal basic income: A guide to navigating concepts, evidence, and practices U Gentilini, M Grosh, J Rigolini, R Yemtsov World Bank Publications, 2019 | 267 | 2019 |
Growth, poverty, and inequality: Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union A Alam, M Murthi, R Yemtsov, E Murrugarra, N Dudwick, E Hamilton, ... World Bank, 2005 | 252 | 2005 |
Has rural infrastructure rehabilitation in Georgia helped the poor? M Lokshin, R Yemtsov The World Bank Economic Review 19 (2), 311-333, 2005 | 241 | 2005 |
Человеческий капитал России: проблемы реабилитации РИ Капелюшников, ИМ Албегова, ТГ Леонова, РГ Емцов, П Найт Общество и экономика, 3-14, 1993 | 200 | 1993 |
Social protection and poverty reduction: Global patterns and some targets A Fiszbein, R Kanbur, R Yemtsov World Development 61, 167-177, 2014 | 191 | 2014 |
Increasing inequality in transition economies: Is there more to come? P Mitra, R Yemtsov World Bank, 2006 | 188 | 2006 |
Channels of Redistribution. Inequality and Poverty in the Russian Transition S Commander, A Tolstopiatenko, R Yemtsov Economics of Transition 7 (2), 1999 | 173 | 1999 |
How can safety nets contribute to economic growth? H Alderman, R Yemtsov The World Bank Economic Review 28 (1), 1-20, 2014 | 169 | 2014 |
The state of social safety nets 2015 M Honorati, U Gentilini, RG Yemtsov The World Bank, 2015 | 150 | 2015 |
The 1.5 billion people question: food, vouchers, or cash transfers? H Alderman, U Gentilini, R Yemtsov World Bank Publications, 2017 | 118 | 2017 |
Poverty in Russia: public policy and private responses J Klugman World Bank Publications, 1997 | 106 | 1997 |
The state of social safety nets 2014 U Gentilini, M Honorati, R Yemtsov The World Bank, 2014 | 99 | 2014 |
Quo vadis? Inequality and poverty dynamics across Russian regions R Yemtsov WIDER discussion paper, 2003 | 95 | 2003 |
Household strategies for coping with poverty and social exclusion in post-crisis Russia M Lokshin, R Yemtsov World Bank Publications, 2001 | 94 | 2001 |
Productive role of safety nets: background paper for the World Bank 2012-2022 social protection and labor strategy H Alderman, R Yemtsov Social Protection Discussion Papers and Notes, 2012 | 91 | 2012 |
Household strategies of coping with shocks in post‐crisis Russia MM Lokshin, R Yemtsov Review of Development Economics 8 (1), 15-32, 2004 | 88 | 2004 |
How Russian firms make their wage and employment decisions S Commander, S Dhar, R Yemtsov World Bank, 1995 | 78 | 1995 |
Russia S Commander, J McHale, R Yemtsov Unemployment, Restructuring, and the Labor Market in Eastern Europe and …, 1995 | 75 | 1995 |
Housing privatization and household wealth in transition R Yemtsov WIDER Research Paper, 2007 | 70 | 2007 |