Pei-Yun Sabrina Hsueh
Pei-Yun Sabrina Hsueh
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Data quality from crowdsourcing: a study of annotation selection criteria
PY Hsueh, P Melville, V Sindhwani
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 workshop on active learning for natural …, 2009
Automatic segmentation of multiparty dialogue
PY Hsueh, J Moore, S Renals
11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational …, 2006
Healthcare information management systems: Cases, strategies, and solutions
MJ Ball, C Weaver, J Kiel
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Who is the expert? Analyzing gaze data to predict expertise level in collaborative applications
Y Liu, PY Hsueh, J Lai, M Sangin, MA Nussli, P Dillenbourg
2009 IEEE international conference on Multimedia and Expo, 898-901, 2009
What decisions have you made: Automatic decision detection in conversational speech
PY Hsueh, JD Moore
Proceedings of the Annual conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2007
Personalized compliance feedback via model-driven sensor data assessment
MJ Hsiao, PYS Hseuh, S Ramakrishnan
US Patent App. 13/715,081, 2014
Automatic decision detection in meeting speech
PY Hsueh, JD Moore
Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction: 4th International Workshop …, 2008
Automatic topic segmentation and labeling in multiparty dialogue
PY Hsueh, JD Moore
2006 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, 98-101, 2006
Identifying group and individual-level risk factors via risk-driven patient stratification
DH Gotz, PYS Hsueh, J Hu, J Sun
US Patent App. 13/659,349, 2014
Identifying group and individual-level risk factors via risk-driven patient stratification
DH Gotz, PYS Hsueh, J Hu, J Sun
US Patent 9,996,889, 2018
Social media analytics: The next generation of analytics-based marketing seeks insights from blogs
R Lawrence, P Melville, C Perlich, V Sindhwani, S Meliksetian, PY Hsueh, ...
OR/MS Today 37 (1), 26-31, 2010
Are nomothetic or ideographic approaches superior in predicting daily exercise behaviors?
YK Cheung, PYS Hsueh, M Qian, S Yoon, L Meli, KM Diaz, JE Schwartz, ...
Methods of information in medicine 56 (06), 452-460, 2017
Balancing health information exchange and privacy governance from a patient-centred connected health and telehealth perspective
CE Kuziemsky, SB Gogia, M Househ, C Petersen, A Basu
Yearbook of medical informatics 27 (01), 048-054, 2018
Combining multiple knowledge sources for dialogue segmentation in multimedia archives
PY Hsueh, JD Moore
Citizen science to further precision medicine: from vision to implementation
C Petersen, RR Austin, U Backonja, H Campos, AE Chung, EB Hekler, ...
JAMIA open 3 (1), 2-8, 2020
Health Management Application Development and Deployment Framework
HY Chang, CF Chung, PYS Hsueh, TC Huang, L Zeng
US Patent App. 12/859,617, 2012
Improving meeting summarization by focusing on user needs: a task-oriented evaluation
PY Hsueh, JD Moore
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2009
Location-Aware Nutrition Management
HY Chang, M Hsiao, PYS Hsueh, LS Liu, L Zeng
US Patent App. 13/007,186, 2012
Added value from secondary use of person generated health data in consumer health informatics
PY Hsueh, YK Cheung, S Dey, KK Kim, FJ Martin-Sanchez, SK Petersen, ...
Yearbook of Medical Informatics 26 (01), 160-171, 2017
Information technology for healthcare transformation
JP Bigus, M Campbell, B Carmeli, M Cefkin, H Chang, CH Chen-Ritzo, ...
IBM Journal of Research and Development 55 (5), 6: 1-6: 14, 2011
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