Francisco Saavedra
Francisco Saavedra
Department of Sport Sciences, Exercise and Health; University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
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Application of statistical machine translation to public health information: a feasibility study
K Kirchhoff, AM Turner, A Axelrod, F Saavedra
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 18 (4), 473-478, 2011
Short-term effects of complex training on agility with the ball, speed, efficiency of crossing and shooting in youth soccer players
B Cavaco, N Sousa, VM Dos Reis, N Garrido, F Saavedra, R Mendes, ...
Journal of human kinetics 43 (1), 105-112, 2014
Does aerobic and strength exercise sequence in the same session affect the oxygen uptake during and postexercise?
JV Alves, F Saavedra, R Simão, J Novaes, MR Rhea, D Green, VM Reis
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 26 (7), 1872-1878, 2012
Influence of strength and flexibility training, combined or isolated, on strength and flexibility gains
T Leite, A de Souza Teixeira, F Saavedra, RD Leite, MR Rhea, R Simão
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 29 (4), 1083-1088, 2015
Social support and sport injury recovery: An overview of empirical findings and practical implications
HM Fernandes, V Machado Reis, J Vilaça-Alves, F Saavedra, FJ Aidar, ...
Revista de psicologia del deporte 23 (2), 0445-449, 2014
Order effects of combined strength and endurance training on testosterone, cortisol, growth hormone, and IGF-1 binding protein 3 in concurrently trained men
C Rosa, J Vilaça-Alves, HM Fernandes, FJ Saavedra, RS Pinto, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 29 (1), 74-79, 2015
Proceedings of the 3rd IPLeiria’s International Health Congress: Leiria, Portugal. 6-7 May 2016
CC Tomás, E Oliveira, D Sousa, M Uba-Chupel, G Furtado, C Rocha, ...
BMC Health Services Research 16, 111-242, 2016
Associations between rate of force development metrics and throwing velocity in elite team handball players: a short research report
M Marques, F Saavedra, C Abrantes, F Aidar
Journal of human kinetics 29 (Special-Issue), 53-57, 2011
Influence of aquatic exercises in physical condition in patients with multiple sclerosis.
FJ Aidar, D Gama de Matos, RF de Souza, AB Gomes, F Saavedra, ...
The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness 58 (5), 684-689, 2017
Influence of a personal trainer on self-selected loading during resistance exercise
MRC Dias, RF Simão, FJF Saavedra, NA Ratamess
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 31 (7), 1925-1930, 2017
Effect of pilates method on physical fitness related to health in the elderly: A systematic review
GCMF Pucci, EB Neves, FJF Saavedra
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte 25, 76-87, 2019
Aerobic and anaerobic energy during resistance exercise at 80% 1RM
J Vianna, J Lima, F Saavedra, V Reis
Journal of human kinetics 29 (Special-Issue), 69-74, 2011
Effects of an individualized home-based unsupervised aerobic training on body composition and physiological parameters in obese adults are independent of gender
GP Emerenziani, MC Gallotta, S Migliaccio, D Ferrari, EA Greco, ...
Journal of endocrinological investigation 41, 465-473, 2018
Effects of resistance exercise order on the number of repetitions performed to failure and perceived exertion in untrained young males
N Romano, J Vilaça-Alves, HM Fernandes, F Saavedra, G Paz, H Miranda, ...
Journal of Human Kinetics 39 (1), 177-183, 2013
The Effects of Resistance Training Frequency on Strength Gains.
R Serra, F Saavedra, B Freitas de Salles, MR Dias, PB Costa, H Alves, ...
Journal of Exercise Physiology Online 18 (1), 2015
Acute effect of resistance exercises performed by the upper and lower limbs with blood flow restriction on hemodynamic responses
J Vilaça-Alves, GR Neto, N Morgado, F Saavedra, RJ Lemos, TR Moreira, ...
Psychophysiological responses to salsa dance
L Guidetti, CF Buzzachera, GP Emerenziani, M Meucci, F Saavedra, ...
PloS one 10 (4), e0121465, 2015
The influence of positional release therapy on the myofascial tension of the upper trapezius muscle
FJ Saavedra, MT Cordeiro, JV Alves, HM Fernandes, VM Reis, ...
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano 16 (02), 191-199, 2014
Comparison of oxygen uptake during and after the execution of resistance exercises and exercises performed on ergometers, matched for intensity
J Vilaça-Alves, NM Freitas, FJ Saavedra, CB Scott, VM Dos Reis, R Simão, ...
Journal of human kinetics 53 (1), 179-187, 2016
Self-selected training load and RPE during resistance and aerobic training among recreational exercisers
MRC Dias, R Simao, FJF Saavedra, CF Buzzachera, S Fleck
Perceptual and Motor Skills 125 (4), 769-787, 2018
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