David Foley
David Foley
在 surgery.wisc.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Donation after cardiac death: the University of Wisconsin experience with liver transplantation
DP Foley, LA Fernandez, G Leverson, LT Chin, N Krieger, JT Cooper, ...
Annals of surgery 242 (5), 724-731, 2005
Biliary complications after liver transplantation from donation after cardiac death donors: an analysis of risk factors and long-term outcomes from a single center
DP Foley, LA Fernandez, G Leverson, M Anderson, J Mezrich, ...
Annals of surgery 253 (4), 817-825, 2011
Surgical management of hilar cholangiocarcinoma
AW Hemming, AI Reed, S Fujita, DP Foley, RJ Howard
Annals of surgery 241 (5), 693-702, 2005
Laparoscopic surgery and the systemic immune response
FJ Vittimberga Jr, DP Foley, WC Meyers, MP Callery
Annals of surgery 227 (3), 326-334, 1998
Management of severe lower abdominal or inguinal pain in high-performance athletes
WC Meyers, DP Foley, WE Garrett, JH Lohnes, BR Mandlebaum
The American journal of sports medicine 28 (1), 2-8, 2000
Outcomes of early liver transplantation for patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis
BP Lee, N Mehta, L Platt, A Gurakar, JP Rice, MR Lucey, GY Im, ...
Gastroenterology 155 (2), 422-430. e1, 2018
Donation after cardiac death: a 29-year experience
JM Bellingham, C Santhanakrishnan, N Neidlinger, P Wai, J Kim, ...
Surgery 150 (4), 692-702, 2011
Are we frozen in time? Analysis of the utilization and efficacy of pulsatile perfusion in renal transplantation
JD Schold, B Kaplan, RJ Howard, AI Reed, DP Foley, HU Meier-Kriesche
American Journal of Transplantation 5 (7), 1681-1688, 2005
Donation after cardiac death: the University of Wisconsin experience with renal transplantation
JT Cooper, LT Chin, NR Krieger, LA Fernandez, DP Foley, YT Becker, ...
American Journal of Transplantation 4 (9), 1490-1494, 2004
The significance of donor-specific HLA antibodies in rejection and ductopenia development in ABO compatible liver transplantation
AI Musat, RM Agni, PY Wai, JD Pirsch, DF Lorentzen, A Powell, ...
American Journal of Transplantation 11 (3), 500-510, 2011
Portal vein resection for hilar cholangiocarcinoma
AW Hemming, RD Kim, KL Mekeel, S Fujita, AI Reed, DP Foley, ...
The American surgeon 72 (7), 599-605, 2006
Complications associated with liver transplantation in the obese recipient
JC LaMattina, DP Foley, LA Fernandez, JD Pirsch, AI Musat, ...
Clinical transplantation 26 (6), 910-918, 2012
Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation from donation after cardiac death: successful long-term outcomes
LA Fernandez, A Di Carlo, JS Odorico, GE Leverson, BD Shames, ...
Annals of surgery 242 (5), 716-723, 2005
How well does renal transplantation cure hyperparathyroidism?
I Lou, D Foley, SK Odorico, G Leverson, DF Schneider, R Sippel, H Chen
Annals of Surgery 262 (4), 653-659, 2015
Antithymocyte globulin is associated with a lower incidence of de novo donor-specific antibodies in moderately sensitized renal transplant recipients
MM Brokhof, HW Sollinger, DR Hager, BL Muth, JD Pirsch, LA Fernandez, ...
Transplantation 97 (6), 612-617, 2014
Incidence and risk factors of incisional hernia formation following abdominal organ transplantation
CT Smith, MG Katz, D Foley, B Welch, GE Leverson, LM Funk, ...
Surgical endoscopy 29, 398-404, 2015
Pretransplant solid organ malignancy and organ transplant candidacy: a consensus expert opinion statement
DP Al-Adra, L Hammel, J Roberts, ES Woodle, D Levine, D Mandelbrot, ...
American Journal of Transplantation 21 (2), 460-474, 2021
Preemptive retransplantation for BK virus nephropathy: successful outcome despite active viremia
KL Womer, HU Meier-Kriesche, PR Patton, K Dibadj, CM Bucci, D Foley, ...
American journal of transplantation 6 (1), 209-213, 2006
Boundary influences on HAB phytoplankton ecology in a stratification-enhanced upwelling shadow
JP Ryan, MA McManus, RM Kudela, ML Artigas, JG Bellingham, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 101, 63-79, 2014
Interleukin-6 and STAT3 protect the liver from hepatic ischemia and reperfusion injury during ischemic preconditioning
T Matsumoto, K O’Malley, PA Efron, C Burger, PF McAuliffe, PO Scumpia, ...
Surgery 140 (5), 793-802, 2006
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