Andrea Zappalaglio
Andrea Zappalaglio
在 sheffield.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
The transformation of EU geographical indications law: the present, past and future of the origin link
A Zappalaglio
Routledge, 2021
The role played by the US government in protecting geographical indications
C Le Goffic, A Zappalaglio
World Development 98, 35-44, 2017
Sui Generis Geographical Indications for the Protection of Non-Agricultural Products in the EU: Can the Quality Schemes Fulfil the Task?
A Zappalaglio, F Guerrieri, S Carls
IIC-International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 51, 31-69, 2020
The debate between the European parliament and the commission on the definition of protected designation of origin: why the parliament is right
A Zappalaglio
IIC-International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 50 (5 …, 2019
International exhaustion of trade marks and parallel imports in the US and the EU: how to achieve symmetry?
A Zappalaglio
Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 5 (1), 68-86, 2015
The Protection of Geographic Indications: Ambitions and Concrete Limitations
A Zappalaglio
Edinburgh Student L. Rev. 2, 89, 2013
The new Russian Law of Geographical Indications: a critical assessment’(2021)
A Zappalaglio, E Mikheeva
Journal Of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 16, 368, 0
Getting Article 22 (1) TRIPS Right: A Commentary on the Definition of ‘Geographical Indication’from a European Union Perspective with a Focus on Wines
A Zappalaglio
The Journal of World Investment & Trade 23 (2), 180-217, 2022
Study on the Functioning of the EU GI System
A Zappalaglio, S Carls, A Gocci, F Guerrieri, R Knaak, A Kur
Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Papers, 2022
The new Russian Law of Geographical Indications: a critical assessment
A Zappalaglio, E Mikheeva
Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 16 (4-5), 368-375, 2021
The why of geographical indications
A Zappalaglio
University of Oxford, 2018
Anatomy of Traditional Specialities Guaranteed: Analysis of the Functioning, Limitations and (Possible) Future of the Forgotten EU Quality Scheme
GRUR International 71 (12), 1147-1161, 2022
Sui generis, bureaucratic and based on origin: a snapshot of the nature of EU Geographical Indications
A Zappalaglio
Intellectual Property as a Complex Adaptive System, 132-152, 2021
The exhaustion of trademarks in the PRC compared with the US and EU experience: a dilemma that still needs an answer
A Zappalaglio
European intellectual property review 38 (10), 610-619, 2016
The law of geographical indications at the centre of the European green deal
A Zappalaglio
Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 18 (8), 557-558, 2023
EU Geographical Indications and the protection of producers and their investments
A Zappalaglio
Enrico Bonadio and Patrick Goold, The Cambridge Handbook of Investment …, 2023
The Piadina Romagnola mess. A new legal case for an old question: what is a GI?
A Zappalaglio
A New Legal Case for an Old Question: What Is a GI, 2015
Understanding the functioning of EU geographical indications
A Zappalaglio
The South Centre, Policy Brief (7 March 2023), 2023
Study on control and enforcement rules for geographical indication (GI) protection for non-agricultural products in the EU
F Michaelsen, J Hill, S Buckingham, J Rzepecka, T Chever, F Kane, ...
Publication Office of the European Union, 2021
The puzzle of reputation in EU Protected Geographical Indications: Can traditional specialities guaranteed provide a solution?
A Zappalaglio
Available at SSRN 3226011, 2018
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