Sajad Ashouri
Using a motion sensor to categorize nonspecific low back pain patients: a machine learning approach
M Abdollahi, S Ashouri, M Abedi, N Azadeh-Fard, M Parnianpour, ...
Sensors 20 (12), 3600, 2020
A novel approach to spinal 3-D kinematic assessment using inertial sensors: Towards effective quantitative evaluation of low back pain in clinical settings
S Ashouri, M Abedi, M Abdollahi, FD Manshadi, M Parnianpour, K Khalaf
Computers in biology and medicine 89, 144-149, 2017
Indicators on firm level innovation activities from web scraped data
S Ashouri, A Suominen, A Hajikhani, L Pukelis, T Schubert, S Türkeli, ...
Data in brief 42, 108246, 2022
A model for flexi-bar to evaluate intervertebral disc and muscle forces in exercises
M Abdollahi, M Nikkhoo, S Ashouri, M Asghari, M Parnianpour, K Khalaf
Medical engineering & physics 38 (10), 1076-1082, 2016
Connecting firm's web scraped textual content to body of science: Utilizing microsoft academic graph hierarchical topic modeling
A Hajikhani, L Pukelis, A Suominen, S Ashouri, T Schubert, A Notten, ...
MethodsX 9, 101650, 2022
A reliability study of the new sensors for movement analysis (SHARIF–HMIS)
M Abedi, FD Manshadi, MK Zavieh, S Ashouri, H Azimi, M Parnanpour
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 20 (2), 341-345, 2016
Anticipation and analysis of industry convergence using patent-level indicators
S Ashouri, AL Mention, KX Smyrnios
Scientometrics 126, 5727-5758, 2021
Using a Motion Sensor to Categorize Low Back Pain Patients: A Machine Learning Approach
M Abdollahi, S Ashouri, M Abedi, N Azadeh-Fard, M Parnianpour, ...
bioRxiv, 803155, 2019
A Mechanical model for flexible exercise bars to study the influence of the initial position of the bar on lumbar discs and muscles forces
K Khalaf, M Abdollahi, M Nikkhoo, M Hoviattalab, M Asghari, S Ashouri, ...
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Measuring digitalization at scale using web scraped data
S Ashouri, A Hajikhani, A Suominen, L Pukelis, SW Cunningham
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 207, 123618, 2024
The role of product digitization for productivity
T Schubert, S Ashouri, M Deschryvere, A Jäger, F Visentin, ...
MERIT Working Papers, 2023
The role of product digitization for productivity: Evidence from web-scraping European high-tech company websites
T Schubert, S Ashouri, M Deschryvere, A Jäger, F Visentin, ...
Emerging Trends Identification through Large Scale Data Analysis with Large Language Models
S Ashouri, C Cole, M Arnold, A Hajikhani, AJ Tahvanainen
Available at SSRN 4867156, 2024
The Role of Product Digitization for Productivity: Evidence from Web-Scraping European High-Tech Company Websites
M Deschryvere, T Schubert, S Ashouri, A Jäger, F Visentin, ...
DRUID 2023, 2023
Identification of Emerging Trends Utilizing Large Language Models
S Ashouri, C Cole, M Arnold, A Hajikhani, AJ Tahvanainen
ISPIM Connects Salzburg: Sound of Innovation, 2023
Productivity effects of process vs. product digitalization
T Schubert, S Ashouri, M Deschryvere, A Jäger, F Visentin, L Pukelis, ...
Final report on the CDM model including updated literature, estimations from the econometric model, and a discussion of the policy implications
T Schubert, S Türkeli, S Ashouri, A Bäck, M Deschryvere, A Jäger, ...
A Predictive Patent Level Framework to Anticipate Convergence
S Ashouri
RMIT University, 2020
Deliverable Information
T Schubert, S Ashouri, A Bäck, M Deschryvere, A Hajikhani, A Jäger, ...
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